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Harry and Y/n walked around the streets of New York hand in hand. She wore Harry's sweater and he wore a green button up shirt and black jeans. They decided to walk instead of driving since there was so much to see. Y/n was feeling a little better wanted to go to different stores in the area. "So where do you want to go to dinner at? There's probably a thousand options." Y/n didn't know New York like Harry did and she didn't know where to start. "I don't know maybe Italian." He knew exactly where to take her and started walking. Their dinner was amazing and Y/n was pleased with Harry's choice. After dinner they went shopping around the big city. "Are you doing okay?" Y/n was looking at a necklace she adored and smiled. "Yeah I'm doing better. I just think that I need someone around me for a while." He kissed her cheek and got the necklace for her. She didn't argue with him anymore it did no good. He was gonna get whatever she wanted and she let him. They got back to their penthouse and Y/n was beat. Her feet hurt and her hands hurt from carrying around bags. "Did you have fun?" She smiled and rubbed her hands. "I did. Thank you." Harry winked at her and took all of his rings off except his wedding ring. Y/n noticed a bag from a store she didn't remember buying anything from. "Whats that?" She pointed and Harry's face turned red. "Oh...uh that's something for you when you're up to it. I just got it because I liked it." She started to go toward it and he grabbed her. "What is it?" He sighed and picked up the bag revealing a skimpy piece of lingerie. "You have a thing for lingerie." He smiled and started to put it back in the bag but she grabbed it. "I'll be right back." He started to argue but she was already gone. She slipped it on and realized Harry knew her size well. Her curves popped at the right place and she looked in the mirror. She was beautiful. Something about that outfit made her feel beautiful and she knew Harry was going to be happy. She walked out of the bathroom and Harry was putting items away they bought. He turned around and his palms started to sweat. You could see him picking his fingers and he was standing still. She walked over to him and then right past him. She was having fun now making sure he knows it. He knew how to calm her down but she also knew how to drive him batshit crazy. He was standing next to the bed so she got on it and stood up walking to him. She draped her arms around him and started kissing his neck making him release little moans. He turned around and picked her up. She held her head back and smiled at the ceiling. He put her on her back and opened her legs. "Dessert? Definitely." Harry took his time with everything he had at his disposal. Going slow wasn't something he usually did but while he was in between her legs he let her have the pleasure. "I love when you eat me out. It never gets old." Y/n felt every motion Harry did with his tongue until an overwhelming pleasure hit her body. She moaned so loud Harry dug deeper into her and hit her favorite spot over and over. Her legs shook and he leaned back and watched his girl have her moment. He went to hover over her and grabbed her legs, pulling her closer to him. He grabbed himself and entered her. Slow and steady. He let out a sigh and so did she. He thrusted into her softly both wanting to treasure the moment. He picked up the pace a little, his eyes rolling back into his head, and his pleasure raising. He went slow this time, no dirty talk just straight making love. Harry felt a tinge and pushed into Y/n, cumming into her not leaving even the littlest bit left behind. He pulled out and leaned down to kiss her. "God I love you."
    Y/n was putting her shoes on to go home with Harry and couldn't wait to see her babies. He had his jacket on and asked her if she was ready. "Yeah, I'm ready. Can I just leave this stuff here?" Harry smiled and and grabbed his keys. "Course you can. It's ours, remember?" Y/n smiled and went out the door first, Harry following. In the car they talked about babies. "I hope I got you pregnant. I agree with you I miss the newborn things. I know Darcy and Isaiah will be happy to have a baby sibling. You know how much Darcy loves babies." Y/n was excited too and but she was nervous. Harry had another show tomorrow night and then right back to New York for the show. "You okay?" Y/n shook her head. "Yeah I'm fine. Just ready to see my babies." Harry accepted that answer and continued to the plane. Y/n looked at her arms and noticed her cuts started healing. Still tender but healing. She hoped something like that wouldn't happen again and she would do her best to keep it that way. The plane ride was pretty quiet but went fast. As soon as the plane landed Y/n was quick to the car and go home. Harry stopped the car and Y/n ran out to Anne's door. She opened it and Darcy ran to her. "Mommy!" Y/n hugged her baby girl tight and noticed Isaiah running up to her. "Momma!" Y/n spread her arms even tighter for her boy. "Oh my babies." Harry followed and shut the door, Darcy hearing. "Daddy!" Harry picked Darcy up and swung her around. "You're gonna be as a tall as mommy before long. There's my big man." Y/n gave Isaiah to Harry and he gave him kisses all over his face. "How was James?" Anne took Isaiah from Harry and gave him his juice. "He's great. He says hello. Can't wait to see these two again." Once in the car Y/n felt complete again. "I'm never leaving them again." Harry smiled and held her hand. "Fine with me. I miss them too. Now, you ready to go home?"

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