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Harry carried some bags in the cabin and almost slipped and died in the process. He wasn't used to snow...and ice. Y/n carried Isaiah and held Darcy's hand inside. "Now let's get these boots off and then get you guys something to eat." Harry finished with the bags and sat in the kitchen looking around. "This is really nice, Y/n. Check out this table!" She turned around and looked at Harry and he had a huge smile on his face. "Harry I swear the older you get the easier you are to amuse." He frowned a little and got up. "Heyyy." She smiled and told Darcy to go to the table with her daddy. "Here you go, little girl. Our big almost four year old. And there's my big boy! Getting way too big. Almost time to have another baby. Darcy do you want another brother or sister?" Darcy shook her head yes while drinking some juice. Isaiah was in the toddler stage now understanding more. "Yeah." He was two now (sorry I didn't wanna make anymore birthday chapters) and growing so fast. "What you think, Y/n? Maybe?" She sighed and looked at Harry. "I don't know, baby. We will talk about it." It was too late to go out anywhere so Harry had some food delivered to the cabin and everyone got their pajamas on. "Tomorrow we are gonna have some fun but tonight we are gonna go to bed so we can get up early." Y/n laid Isaiah down and Harry put Darcy. They met outside of the door and Y/n smiled at him walking away. "What?" She continued to walk away and cleaned up the kitchen. "Are you mad at me for something?" Y/n wiped the counters and went into the bedroom they shared. "No not at all. I promise. Just thinking about another baby." Harry's head snapped up and he walked over to Y/n. "What really? Like really? I was kinda kidding but I mean if you think we could." Y/n wasn't sure but it kept playing in her mind. " I don't know. I miss having a little baby. Like I miss the newborn smell, clothes and bottles. Darcy is old enough to help a little more. Isiah will be old enough too. Harry I'm really considering this." Harry touched her waist and pulled her in. "Soooo you want another baby?" Y/n placed her hands on Harry's chest. "Possibly. But I really need to think about it. Give me until the end of this trip." Harry sighed a little but gave in. He knew his life was crazy with two kids but with three he felt it would be complete. He thought that before when Isaiah was born the more he grew the more he missed having a little one. "Fine. But until then?" Harry led Y/n to the bed and sat down. He pulled her in so she was sitting on his lap. "You're insane." She leaned down and kissed him. "No I'm horny. There's a difference." Y/n removed her jacket and shoes before climbing on Harry. He leaned back and Y/n kissed down his neck making him feral. "You know when you do that it kills me." Y/n didn't say a word and continued south. Harry had sweatpants on and she pulled them down. He was already hard and ready. She touched him and made him whine. "Y/n. Please." Her mouth made contact with him and she moved her head up and down keeping a good pace. She didn't look at Harry but know he was wincing and trying not to moan too loud. "Fuck it's been a long time since you sucked me off." Y/n deepthroated Harry and when she came back up she licked his tip. His eyes rolled back into her head with pleasure. She climbed back onto him and kissed his lips while his hands roamed. "Take them off. Now." She did as she was told and Harry looked at her. Wanting and needing her. He swallowed hard and couldn't believe how good she looked after two kids. She took off her clothes and he did as well and he pulled her on the bed and on top of him. "Fuck. Y/n." He licked her chest and she sat on top of him. Before Harry realized she lowered herself onto him. "Godddd I love when you do that." Y/n rode him for as long as she wanted and took all of him in the process. Harry's nails dug into her hips and it only made her go harder. Her chest jumping up and down and Harry realized she's never looked hotter. She finally got off and got under Harry. He pulled her legs on his hips and dived in. Her eyes went cross and she almost screamed in pleasure. He destroyed her and pleasure hit him like a ton of bricks and he came in her. He was exhausted as he always was after this particular event. "I know you did not just cum in me." Harry was still breathing heavily but answered her. "I did. Sorry bout that." Y/n sighed and rolled her eyes. "Harry I hope to god I don't get pregnant again. I haven't thought about it all the way." He laid next to Y/n and cuddled up to her. "If you do we will make it work. I promise you it'll be okay." He kissed Y/n's forehead and they got a shower hoping to God that a positive test wasn't in their future anytime soon.

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