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Harry received a call during breakfast and he came back with the biggest smile on his face. Y/n was feeling Isaiah and wasn't paying much attention. "I just..got one of the best calls of my life." Y/n wiped her baby's face and turned her attention on Harry. "What is it?" Harry sat in the chair next to Y/n still smiling. "I just got asked to sing with Stevie Nicks. Stevie fucking Nicks, Y/n." Harry was trying to process what just happened and Y/n looked at him. "Are you serious? When?" Harry took out his phone and looked through his messages. "Next week. We fly out in two days so I can get fitted. Oh my god." Y/n got Isaiah out of his chair and put him in his little toy area so he can play. "That's insane, Harry. I'm so proud of you." Y/n hugged Harry and he hugged her even tighter. She released a little and touched his face, tracing his jawline. "What is it?" Y/n was almost in a trance with him."Nothing. Just wondering what I did to get so lucky." Harry kissed Y/n and hugged her again.
Darcy stayed at Anne's the night before and Isaiah would be joining that night so Harry could clean around their home without interruptions from kids. Harry took the baby and stayed at his mom's for a little bit before he came back. When he walked through the door he couldn't find Y/n. "Where are you, Y/n?" He found her going through old baby things. She was crying and studying everything. "They are so big now. How did they practically grow up overnight?" Harry came over to her and hugged her tight. "Darcy will be four soon. Four! How?" Harry knew how emotional it was for Y/n. It was for him too but it ripped Y/n's heart out. "Why are you getting rid of things? There could always be a third baby in the future." Y/n looked at Harry sternly. "Harry I don't know if we can juggle three kids with traveling and events. Maybe sometime but it's not even a thought right now. You know how miserable I was with Isaiah I don't want to relive that again. At least not for a long while." Harry silently agreed and held out his hand for Y/n to take. "Come here." He pulled her up and walked her out to the living room. "I want you to listen to something. My mum gave this to me. She was going through my old things and found it. It's my old Van Morrison record." Harry put it in their record player and it started playing "Tupelo Honey." He took Y/n's hand and wrapped her arms around his neck. They started slow dancing to the tune. "This is one of my favorite songs. Ever." Y/n looked into Harry's eyes listening to Harry's singing the words to her.

"She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey
She's an angel of the first degree
She's as sweet as Tupelo Honey
Just like honey from the bee."

Y/n loved listen to Harry sing. She was the only person in the that could hear him sing so up close and personal. "Those lyrics sound kinda familiar? The "She's an Angel" part? Y/n realized it was kinda like "Only Angel" and smiled. "What is that song about?" Harry looked in her eyes and answered her. "It's about woman giving birth to a child. It's a love ballad to someone's wife, girlfriend or whatever. It's my song for you." Y/n inhaled sharply at that. "That...is beautiful." Y/n touched Y/n's face and held it in his hand. "You have absolutely no idea how much you mean to me. How much I love you. How much I wish I could tell you I love you. You'll never understand." Harry leaned down and kissed her like it was the very first time. Y/n felt loved, comforted and at peace. He kissed her like never before. Not in a sex way but a romantic one. The song played in its entirety and the couple was still kissing until Y/n pulled away. She touched Harry's face and smiled. "You make me the happiest. You'll never know how much I love you too. You're the best dad and husband. Ever." The couple continued to dance through the record and when it was over Y/n didn't want to let him go. He picked her up and hugged her carrying her to the bedroom where he laid her down. "I just want to hold you for a while." Y/m took in Harry's Vanilla and musk scent as she laid on his chest. "I could lay here forever." Harry rubbed Y/n's back feeling as happy as ever. "You're perfect, Y/n." Y/n hugged Harry even tighter and laughed. "Not even close, Mr. Perfect."

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