Snow baby

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Two weeks later

Harry booked their snowy trip and it was in Colorado and it was time to leave. He performed two more shows and he was due for a vacation. He was tired of hot places and wanted something different. Their car was almost there to take them to their plane but Isaiah was not in a good mood. "Come on, baby boy what's wrong?" He was still getting some teeth and it was still bothering him. Y/n rubbed some gel on his gums and that seemed to help a little. "There. How about that?" Harry was feeding Darcy some eggs when he got the text the car was five minutes away. "Alright Darcy go potty and then we will get your coat on. Go on, pretty girl." He also looked on his phone and texted someone back, smiling. "Y/n you're never gonna believe who texted me." She was putting an outfit on Isaiah and his jacket. "Who?" He held up the phone and she noticed the name. "James Corden? What's he been up to? You haven't heard from him since you got that tattoo." Harry smiled and looked back down. "He wants me to do a carpool karaoke with him for the album." Y/n held Isaiah and put him in his carrier. "Oh that'll be fun. When?" He shrugged his shoulders and put his phone away. "I'm not sure. Probably when we get back sometime. Now come on we gotta get going."
The family got onto the plane and was officially off to Colorado. Both kids fell asleep in one of the seats on the plane. It was a long ride so the longer they slept the better. "Y/n was watching a movie on her phones Harry was working on a puzzle. "You know we really are boring. When did we get this way?" Y/n paused her video and shrugged her shoulders. "Well we've been married for a little while and we've been together almost five years. We're used to each other. Do you love me any less?" Harry laughed and got up from his puzzle. He took Y/n's phone out of her hands and picked her up, her legs going around his sides. "Are you kidding? If anything I'm in love with you more." She hugged Harry and he took her to the bedroom of the plane. "I do love you. If you haven't figured it out yet." She played with Harry's hair and he kissed her jawline. "You know it's been a little while since we...ya know." She giggle while Harry kissed her neck. "Harry it's been three weeks." He smiled into her neck and kissed it again. "And I feel like I'm going through a drought." Y/n was wearing leggings and fluffy socks because she knew she would be freezing when they landed. Harry's fingers found their way to her waistband and he tried to pull her leggings down. "Oh no. You know as well as I do they will wake up. Wait until we get to the cabin, silly." Harry sighed and puffed his lips out for her. She leaned up and kissed his soft lips. "Are you wearing my chapstick?" He looked hurt and touched his chest. "Absolutely not! This is mine." She kissed him again, lingering a little longer. "No that is definitely mine. It's cherry you know how much I love cherries." He licked his own lips. "Yeah I know. Speaking of that I have a new song idea. It's called Cherry. One of the producers wants me to write it for him and I agreed. Granted it'll be awhile until it comes out but it's never too early to write some material." Y/n sighed and rolled over on her stomach. "I'm soooo tired. I wanna sleep for hours." Harry got up and put the covers back and had Y/n get under them. "Then sleep, my sleeping beauty. We have awhile. I'll be up and if I need you I'll come get you." Y/n did just that and cuddled up to a pillow. Harry shut the door and walked out to where Darcy and Isaiah slept. He took a picture on his phone of his babies and posted it to Instagram


On our way to a snowy adventure with my favorite people!

Harry put his phone away and noticed Darcy had woken up. He held out his arms to her and she cuddled up to him. He kissed her forehead and rocked her a little. "I cold." Harry found a blanket and threw it over him and Darcy. Darcy rested her head on Harry's chest and he leaned back and held her. "I love you baby." Darcy fell right back asleep in Harry's arms and he wasn't far behind her.

Three hours later

Harry woke up drenched in sweat but Darcy still cuddled up to him. He peeled her off and laid her on the seat and went over to check on Isaiah. He was still sleeping so he left him alone. He went back to check on Y/n and she was still asleep. He decided to leave the door open and climb into bed with her. As soon as she sensed him she attached herself to him. She didn't wake up but she was cuddled up to him. He loved her cuddles so he didn't mind. A few hours went by and everyone was up and ready to play. Isaiah had some toys and shared with Darcy and Y/n was eating a snack. Harry came out from speaking to the pilot and had a smile on his face. "Thirty minutes until we touch down. Better get them bundled up." Y/n got Darcy's coat on her and leggings with her little boots. "Oh my god she's so damn cute." Harry was slipping Isiah's socks and boots on and stood him up. "There. It's like trying to dress a cat anymore." The plane landed and as soon as the cold air hit Harry's face it got red. Snow was everywhere and it wasn't leaving anytime soon. They got into the warm car and up to their cabin. "Well know we have some snow babies."

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