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Harry had his Stevie show run through and sound check. It was a regular show with this included. He was carrying Isaiah trying to get his girls out the door. "Come on, Y/n! We have to go now!" Y/n ran out of the house with Darcy on her hip. "You don't have to be there for another two hours, Harry." He didn't care and rushed the arena. Y/n and the babies settled into the dressing room. Isaiah played with the string on Y/n's shirt and Darcy ate a snack. Harry went to soundcheck with his palms sweating being crazy nervous. He came back with a smile and his face was red. "So did you meet her?" Harry fumbled with some items on the desk in front of him. "Oh yeah. Yeah, I did. We talked for about 20 minutes before we actually started. She gave me some really good advice too." Y/n sat up, listening closely. "She said don't be serious. She asked me if my family was the most important thing to me. I told her of course. She said then keep them close. Let them go to everything and give your wife and babies the best." Y/n loved it and ran over to Harry and hugged him. "I'm so proud of you. I know how much this means to you. You've only been a Stevie fan since the beginning." Harry hugged her tight and pulled her on his lap. "You want to meet her?" Y/n smiled and nodded her head and asked one of the crew members to watch Isaiah and Darcy. Harry led Y/n to Stevie and introduced her. "This is my wife, Y/n. Isn't she pretty?" Y/n blushed and shook Stevie's hand. "Well hello, Y/n. And yes even more beautiful than Harry described. How are you?" Y/n smiled and leaned into Harry. "I'm doing well. How are you? Excited for the show?" Stevie stated yes and she was doing well. The trio chatted for a little bit but it was time for them to get ready. Harry wore a black shirt and gold pants for the night. "You got this. I love you." Harry kissed Y/n and went the other way. Y/n and the babies went to their spot and waited for the show to start. Harry came out and performed some of the usual songs and then brought Stevie out. The crowd went crazy and Harry was smiling ear to ear. They performed two songs and Harry's eyes started to tear up. He was so happy to have this opportunity and he would do anything to have it again. He sat next to some fans while Stevie performed two solo songs and then Harry continued his usual show. Before it was over Y/n went back stage and sat on the couch, exhausted. Harry wouldn't be back for another forty five minutes so Y/n decided to have three take a nap. Darcy was already half asleep and Isaiah was being demanding. She finally got them down and Harry can through the door high on emotions. He picked Y/n up and kissed her, wrapping her legs around him. "Well hello to you too." He hugged her and tight and put her down. "How did you like it? Didn't sound bad?" Y/n smiled and touched Harry's face. "It was perfect. You both sounded great." Y/n hugged Harry again but was interrupted by a knock at the door. Stevie was smiling at the couple. "I just wanted to extend my well wishes to you two and your beautiful babies." Stevie looked at them and smiled. "You really do have beauties here. A perfect mix of you both." Y/n and Harry thanked her and she continued on what she was doing there. "Harry I wanted to discuss something with you. In a few months there will be a Grammy type award given to Fleetwood for an achievement. They've asked me to pick someone to announce it and present it. I've chosen you. Will you?" Harry still had Y/n's waist and held on tight. "I'd love to. I'd be honored. Thank you." Stevie said her goodbyes and Harry held his composure until the door was shut. "Did that just happen? Y/n am I dreaming?" Y/n smiled and touched Harry's face. "Yes it happened and no you're not dreaming. It was real and I'm so excited for you." Harry kissed Y/n and pushed her against the makeup station in his room. He made sure the kids were still sleeping and put his hand under Y/n's shirt. "No Harry we can't. Not with them right there." He knew she was right so he stopped. "Are you ready to go home?" He kissed her jaw softly and she almost folded. His cheek stayed next to hers and he cuddled against her. "I'm more than ready." He kissed her again and took Darcy and Y/n took Isaiah. They went back to their car and got on a flight to go home. "You ever think about taking a trip? I have a week break coming up. I think it would be fun. Maybe somewhere cold so the kids can see snow." Y/n liked the idea but not sure about the snow. "I've never really got the chance to play in the snow as a child. Mum never took me anywhere I always had to stay home." Harry held onto Y/n's leg and tightened his grip a little. It didn't matter how long they'd been together he hated being reminded of Y/n's childhood. He hurt him knowing how hurt she constantly was. "So do you wanna bring your mum?" Harry shook his head no. "Nope. Just us four. I think it would be fun. So you wanna go?" Y/n smiled and looked out the window. "Sounds fun. But I would love to pummel you with a snowball."

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