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Soundcheck was fast approaching and Harry wasn't ready. He couldn't find his black shirt that Y/n said she packed. "Y/n! Have you seen the shirt you put in my bag?" Y/n was fixing her eyelashes when he asked her so her eyes were watering. "Whats wrong?" She wiped her eyes with a towel before she answered him. "Nothing my eyelashes are just a bitch to put on." Harry never realized she wore eyelashes but that was for another time. "Do you know where that black shirt that I love is? I was gonna wear it to soundcheck." Y/n looked at the bag and bent over the bed to get the shirt she could see. Harry was staring at her butt not realizing she was talking to him. "Harry? Hello?" He came back to reality and grabbed the shirt. "I wasn't looking at anything." Y/n was confused but continued getting ready. "Are you almost ready?" Y/n was putting on her shoes and signaled she was. On the way to the concert area Y/n called Anne to check on Isaiah and Darcy. "Hello? Anne? Just checking in." Anne talked a moment and Y/n puffed her bottom lip out as she continued talking. "Aw poor baby. Is he okay?" Harry wanted to know what she was talking about so he touched her leg. "Isaiah fell off the couch. He's fine." Anne and Y/n continued their conversation and then hung up. "How are they?" Y/n put her phone down and looked out the window. "They are doing good. They miss us Darcy cried for us last night. I miss them." Harry grabbed Y/n's hand and held on to it. "Me too. I kinda wanna go get them tomorrow. Should we? It would only be a day early." Y/n loved that idea and they agreed.
Entering the building hand in hand Harry s snatched way for soundcheck. Y/n sat in one of the chairs in the audience and watched. His drummer Sarah stopped by to sit next to her while he was figuring out some of the set list. "How are you?" Y/m and Sarah talked some but not a whole lot before this. "I'm doing good but would be better if my babies were here with me. How are you, Sarah?" She looked at the stage and smiled. "I'm okay. Ready for the show to start so I can get on the drums." Y/n smiled and looked at Sarah. "You know you are a really talented musician. I'm glad Harry has you with him." Sarah smiled and messed with the drumsticks in her hand. "Yeah he's a pretty good lad. So it Mitch and they get along really well too. He seems to make a friend out of everyone, doesn't he?" Y/n leaned up and put her arms on the seat in front of her. "He does. That's one of the many things I love about him. He treats everyone with kindness no matter who it is. Everyone is his friend even if they've hurt him. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body." Sarah smiled and looked back at Y/n. "Wanna exchange numbers? That way we can talk shit bout the boys?" Y/n agreed and the did so. When Sarah got up to go on stage Harry started to ply through the set list. Y/n's favorite song right now was Sweet Creature but sometimes it changes. She loves everything Harry sings and does...most of the time.
Soundcheck was almost over on schedule and Y/n went backstage to wait on Harry. She grabbed her a bottle of water and walked around his dressing room. Harry came into the room in a hurry and sat down. "I have a feeling that tonight's show is gonna be insane." Y/n sat close to him wondering why. "Tell me why." Harry smiled and looked Y/n in the eye. "I'm just hyped and ready to go out there. I have a cool outfit tonight and of course you're here. I'm full of energy." Y/n tried to get up but Harry pulled her down and had her straddle him. "You can't be that full of energy." Harry touched her waist and then her legs. "Oh but I am." He noticed her face getting hot and looking at the door. "Door is locked if that's what you're worried about." Harry pulled her closer and started to kiss her chest and neck. Y/n started to get excited but it was short lived. Someone knocked on the door and Harry froze putting his forehead on her chest. "Yeah?" The voice stayed that he had an hour until show time and needed to get dressed soon. Harry thanked them and started to continue. He wanted to take Y/n but he restrained himself. "What is with you lately? You're so horny." Harry looked at Y/n with lust. "I don't know. I always want that with you. Is it too much?" Y/n put her hands in Harry's hair. "No not at all. I love it." Y/n lowered herself and kissed Harry but got off since he had to get dressed. "Cheeky. You'll regret that." Tonight Harry wore a white floral suit that was gorgeous on him.


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"Oh...I love that." Harry smiled and put his rings on while Y/n watched. "After the show do you wanna head back to mums to get the kids?" Y/n nodded her head and hugged Harry. He lifted her up in the air and kissed her cheek. "I can't wait to see them. I've missed them so much." Harry and Y/n walked to the back of the stage and waited for him to go on. "Good luck. I love you." Harry kissed Y/n and went on stage. She took her spot on the side and watched her husband. He was a natural getting more comfortable up there by himself. His set went by without a hitch. She decided to go back to the dressing room because she knew he would bust through the door. Walking into the room she felt a tinge in her stomach that told her she was hungry. She realized she hadn't eaten at all that day. Sometimes she just forgot to eat but she didn't mean to. Harry finally entered the dressing room with his jacket off and his face red and sweaty. "Woo! That was an amazing show. Did you see that crowd?" Y/n felt a little sick but played it off. "Yeah. It was loud and energetic you did good, baby." Harry noticed Y/n's attitude changed a little bit. He put his coat down and walked over to her. "Y/n you're pale are you okay? Have you eaten?" Y/n touched his sleeve and shook her head no. "Not yet. I was fixated on the show today that I forgot." Harry changed his outfit and told Y/n to go to the car. "Where do you want food from?" Y/n was hungry but she didn't want to eat either. "I don't know. Anywhere that has something light." Harry decided on a place that had salads and picked Y/n up one. She ate it and instantly felt better. They drove an hour and being so close to home they stopped by and grabbed more clothes for the babies and themselves. Harrys next show wasn't for another three days so they had a little break. It was about 10:30 and Harry had a thought. "Should we just wait and pick them up in the morning?" Y/n was putting clothes in a bag but topped to look at Harry. "I suppose those would make the most sense. If we did go get them this late they might not go back to sleep." Harry checked his phone and realized he was trending on Twitter. "Look. The tour is blowing up. Wow that's insane." Y/n walked over to Harry and he grabbed her waist to pull her closer. "I'm so proud of you. You're gonna do amazing things."

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