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Y/n was still pretty quiet and distant since her mom passed. She realized she still had to help Harry take care of her babies but she was hesitant. At the same time she wanted them to make sure they knew how much she loved them. "Baby do you wanna go with me to the rehearsal? It's in New York and mum said her and gemma can watch the kids." Y/n was playing with Isaiah and sighed. "I could be fun. I need some time with you. But I don't want them to think I don't love them." Harry was eating some popcorn and offered her some. "First of all you know they will never think that. Do you see how much they adore you? Second of all, you need to eat. You haven't eaten much in two days. Here." Y/n took some out of Harry's hand and chewed on the popcorn. It tasted good and it helped but it didn't satisfy her. "Okay. How long would we be gone?" Harry had his mouth full but was still able to answer. "Four days. And then come back for a show, and then back the next week to do the tv show." Y/n nodded her head and continued to eat out of Harry's hand. She felt a little sick to her stomach and wasn't sure if it was the popcorn hitting her empty stomach....or something else hitting her.
Y/n and Harry said bye to the babies and got on a plane to New York. "Do you ever think we leave them too much?" Harry was texting James letting him know they were on their way. "I mean yeah and no. We can take them everywhere because it'll be busy and it's gonna be crazy with rehearsal. We are doing this carpool karaoke thing and I'm doing a hosting thing with James." Y/n felt her anxiety start to build around her. "I just want to take them with us when we go to things. Shows and events. Imagine them in a dress and a little tux?" Harry smiled a little and sat back in his seat. "Yeah that would be cute. But hey, we are bringing them when we actually film the show, right? That'll be fun and we can go sight seeing in New York." Y/n smiled and felt a little sick. "Whats wrong? You look pale." Y/n felt her stomach and went to the bathroom. She threw up instantly and felt her stomach churn. "I'm sure it's the plane ride. Sometimes it can make my stomach upset." Harry sat in the bathroom with Y/n holding her hair. "Maybe you're pregnant?" Y/n looked at Harry with somber eyes. "No. It hasn't been long enough. It's only been 2 weeks since we did anything. Way too early." Y/n got up and Harry followed her to the bed on the plane. She folded into Harry and he held her. "Can I tell you something?" She let out a muffled "mmhmm" before he spoke. "You're gonna flip out when you see the surprise I have for you." She looked up and gave him a quizzical look. "What you mean?" He smiled and touched her chin. "I mean I know how down you've been lately and I want to make you feel happy. So when we get off the plane we are going to our hotel. Well...penthouse. I wanted you to have the best." Y/n didn't know what to say and sat in shock. "A penthouse? Harry those things are so expensive. I'm not any where close worth that." Harry pulled her in and hugged her more. "What are you talking about? You're worth that to me and you know we can afford whatever you want and desire." Yn relaxed in his arms and let her head fall back. "You're too much, Styles." He cradled her in his arms and kissed her cheek. He smelled like vanilla and tobacco from his cologne. "I thought maybe we could go to the Harry Potter store? Even though you'd jump Draco in a minute." Y/n laughed out loud and it made Harry smiled. "Harry that was over two years ago how do you remember that?" He shrugged his shoulder. "I have a great memory."
Y/n and Harry landed in New York and paparazzi was in full swing. They couldn't walk anywhere and Harry held onto Y/n tight, afraid he would lose her. When they got to their penthouse he stood in front of the door. "I never got to do with when we got married." He picked her up bridal style and walked her in the door. Her eyes opened wide and she looked around. Harry put her down and she walked to the floor to ceiling windows. "Woah." She looked at the city view below her almost terrified of it. "How much was this?" Harry came over to her and pulled her into his chest. "None of your business." He kissed her and picked her back up, her legs going to both sides of his waist. "Now to the best part." He went into the bedroom and put Y/n down. "I have a surprise for you." She turned around and looked at Harry. "What is it?" He took out a key and handed it to her. "This penthouse is ours." She thought he was kidding and was waiting for him to tell her. "This? This penthouse is...ours? What?" He smiled and sat on the bed. "Yep. And I wanted to talk to you about something before I made the decision. I think we should sell our home in California. We don't have a lot out there so it would be easier." Y/n hasn't thought about the house in a little while. "That might be better. I like this more anyway. Less upkeep." Y/n walked over to the bed and laid on her back looking up at the ceiling. She felt Harry's hand on her thigh and felt it go up her leg. "So you like it? I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I'll be in New York for a lot of things soon and this is perfect." His hand went under the fabric of her outfit and found its destination. Y/n felt his fingers and did what he wanted. He bit his lip and hovered over her. He had a curl swing onto his forehead making him look so hot.

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