Little London

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Harry and Y/n got into their car from behind the hotel and started to enjoy their day off. Harry wore a pair of dark skinny jeans and button up red shirt and Y/n wore pink shirt and black shorts. "God I love those shorts on you. Makes your legs look perfect." Harry touched Y/n's legs as he was driving. "I love them more when they are wrapped around my torso." Y/n rolled her eyes and put her chin into her hands. "You're just a horn dog right now aren't you?" Harry winked and smiled at Y/n, not saying anymore. They had about five hours until Harry had to be back for sound check and Y/n wanted to go shopping. They walked around the local malls and Harry wore his sunglasses to keep from people noticing him right away. Y/n trailed off a little bit in the store and found Harry talking to a few girls. "So where's Y/n? Are you alone?" The girl tried to touch Harry's chest but he stepped back. "Actually she's in the store here somewhere. Did you want a picture?" The girl looked defeated which made Y/n giggle silently. No matter who it was Harry never took his mind off of Y/n. She still didn't understand how someone like him was with her and she probably never will. The girls walked off content and Harry looked for his wife. She ran off into the lingerie section and hoped Harry would find her there. Eventually he made his way to her looking at the pieces and it made his palms sweat. "What are you looking at?" Y/n looked at a two piece outfit that was next to nothing fabric wise. It had two small pieces of cloth over the chest area and the smallest string to hold them together. The bottom was almost nonexistent and it had garter belts on both legs. Harry started touching her sides and becoming excited in the process. He kissed her cheek as he stood behind her and looked at the outfit again. "You gonna get that?" Y/n looked at it again not sure what she should do. "Hmmm why so you can destroy it?" Harry gasped and backed way from Y/n. "I would never. But if I was to...ya know rip it off of you and destroy you would that he such a bad thing?" Y/n blushed a little and Harry took the clothing off of the rack. "Think of this as an early birthday gift." Y/n had ahold of his hand and she was trailing behind him. "Your birthday isn't until February." He winked and went up to pay for the item. They got back to the car and Y/n took out the lingerie. "Whats the point of paying this much for something when it'll just get ripped off of me by your teeth?" Harry was shocked she said that and looked at her. "My teeth? Never thought of that." Harry and Y/n went to a little cafe that had a lot of people inside. Y/n almost lost Harry but somehow they stayed together. "What you want?" Y/n wasn't hungry but she wanted a coffee. "Umm an iced coffee plain with 2 cream and one sugar." Harry had ahold of her waist and ordered the drinks. When they got back to the car Harry broke the silence."Aren't you hungry? You haven't eaten in a bit." Y/n took a drink of her coffee and looked at Harry. "No not hungry at all. I might eat something at the hotel but you know I don't like to eat much before a concert." Harry didn't say anymore about it and they went back to the hotel. When they entered the room Harry tripped over one of Isaiah's toys. "Shit! That was close." Y/n threw the toy in one of their baskets and took Harry's coffee out of his hands. "You're definitely going to spill that." She sat the drink on the table and fiddled with the bag she got with the outfit inside. They picked up some clothes for the babies and Harry got a new shirt as well. "This is adorable for Darcy. She will love it." Y/n folded the clothes on the table and picked up the lingerie. Harry noticed and sat on the edge of the bed. "Why don't you try that on for me? Please?" Y/n grabbed it and went into the bathroom. She took her clothes off and put the outfit on. It fit like it was made for her. She fixed her hair a little bit and put on her mascara. She walked out and Harry fidgeted. She had him in her grasp and she ran with it. She walked over to him and got on his lap. Her legs on either side of Harry's legs and arms around his neck. "Just when I thought you couldn't get any hotter." Harry's hands moved up and down Y/n's body and he swallowed hard. It had been a little while since they did anything and he was feeling vulnerable. His hands traveled to her core and she gasped when he entered her. He bit his lip and Y/n held her head back in pleasure. Harry knew how to satisfy his girl that's for sure. She couldn't handle him fingering her so she got up from his lap. She started to walk away but Harry pulled her back. "I wanna do something we've never done before." Y/n touched his face and traced his jawline. She was curious to where he was going with this. "Whats that?" Harry's eyes turned glossy and couldn't get his eyes off of her. He loved her and was obsessed with her. "I want you to ride my face." Y/n looked surprised and Harry pulled her in. "I wanna eat you." Harry lifted her up and she let him sit her on his face. She lowered herself and Harry's tongue made contact with her. She gasped and tried to get off but Harry grabbed her hips keeping her in place. She looked down and could see Harry's eyes closed, him enjoying it. She felt pleasure pulsating throughout her entire body until she couldn't stand it and came. Harry didn't stop and made her overstimulated. When he stopped he picked Y/n up and placed her on his lap again. "How was that?" Y/n didn't say anything but jumped and kissed him. He took off his shirt and laid on the bed with Y/n. He took his pants off and she took her little outfit and he placed her under him. "Ready?" Y/n nodded and he entered her, making both of them scream. Y/n's body was wrapped around Harry's waist and he pounded into her as hard as he could. Harry was moaning and put has face into Y/n's neck, kissing it. Y/n felt overwhelming pleasure and wanted Harry to keep going. "God I love you." Harry thrusted into her as deep as he could one more time and then get up. He told Y/n to stand next to the bed and bend over. She did just that and he entered her. She could feel his hands in her hips and everytime he moved he groaned. "God..fucking..dammit." Harry pulled her hair back and continued to destroy her. He stopped and turned her around picking her up and throwing her against the wall. He picked her up and thrusted into her again. She screamed and pulled his hair. It felt so good to both of them Harry carried her and laid her on the bed still inside of her. She stretched out and he licked her chest. Y/n couldn't take anymore and she came again along with Harry. "Gaahhhh...haaa." Harry yelled and he almost fell on Y/n. "I fucking love that outfit."

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