Welcome to New York

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Darcy woke up with the sniffles and didn't want Y/n to leave her side. "Baby mommy is going to get your clothes. We are going to go to New York for daddy's work." She cried a little bit but eventually let Y/n go. "Harry Darcy isn't feeling well. I think she just has a little cold." Harry was changing Isaiah finishing him up. "Better bundle her up and I'll get him. We gotta leave in fifteen minutes." Harry drove them to the plane and Darcy was asleep the entire time and Harry carried her onboard. "She really doesn't feel good does she?" Y/n shook her head while putting Isaiah down. "No she doesn't. I gave her some fever reducer so I'm hoping by the time we get to New York she will feel better." Y/n went back and forth to check on Darcy. In the last hour she came back carrying her and she was sweaty."Daddy? We have a girl who feels better. She requests some juice." Harry made her some juice and let her have it, and she almost finished it. Her fever broke and hopefully it stays broke. When getting off the plane and to the penthouse paparazzi swarmed them. The kids got a little scared and Harry got aggravated. "Can you please move from my baby? Thank you." Getting up to the penthouse was a struggle as well. Harry had to decline multiple autographs to get them up there. "Harry I'm exhausted. I don't know why it's not like we haven't done this a million other times." Harry put his phone down and looked at Y/n. "They say that's one of the first signs of pregnancy." Y/n rolled her eyes. "Oh is it? I didn't know that. We've only had two kids." Harry stuck out his tongue and smiled. Y/n smiled at him and checked her phone. "We only have an hour before we have to leave." Darcy and Isaiah both went down for so Y/n and Harry could relax. "So what are you doing today?" Harry looked at the schedule he had. "Carpool Karaoke and then filming the show. James texted me to make sure you're there." Y/n looked at Harry and wanted to be close to him. "You know you really should grow your hair out. Maybe some facial hair. Harry stiffened up to her. "Hm. Facial hair? I don't know about that. Maybe the longer hair. Would you like that at least?" Y/n walked over to Harry and put her arms around his neck. "No. I wouldn't. Facial hair would look so good on you. Just thinking about it...damn." Harry pulled her closer and kissed her. "Hm." Harry wanted to take her right there but he couldn't. "We've both been so crazy about each other lately. There's no way I'd have any energy left to do the show after I'm done with you." Y/n hugged Harry and swung her around. "Then you better not do anything to me. Especially with our kids right in the next room." Harry kissed Y/n's jaw and left her hanging. "Hey! That's rude." Harry came back with Isaiah in his arms. "We have to get going. I wanna grab a snack before we head out." Darcy walked hand in hand with Y/n and got food with the boys. Walking into the studio Harry heard a familiar voice. "Harold!" James Corden walked up to Harry and hugged him. "Hello, James! How are you?" James smiled and stated he was well. "Y/n! How are you doing?" He leaned over and hugged Y/n lightly kissing her cheek. "I'm doing wonderful." James looked down and noticed Darcy. "Well, hello Darcy. How are you?" She smiled and hid a little behind Y/n. "Shy are you? You don't get that from your dad. And little Isaiah. You both have grown a lot. Well, Harry let's get you into wardrobe and makeup. We have things to do all day." Harry handed his boy to Y/n and kissed her bye. "I love you." He was gone for awhile and Y/n took the kids to Harry's trailer. She gave them their snacks and let them watch the tv in the room. After two hours Harry came back in dressed in scrubs. "What on earth are you wearing?" He looked down and smiled. "It's for a sketch. I have about a 45 minute break." Harry relaxed with Darcy on his lap watching cartoons with her. Before he knew it someone knocked on the door needing him back on set. He was gone another three hours and came back in wearing:

 He was gone another three hours and came back in wearing:

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Y/n stopped in her tracks and almost drooled. "What baby?" Y/n walked over to Harry and kissed his jaw. "Please tell me you get to keep that outfit." He knew he had her fired up. "I don't know why don't I ask James? I did kiss him after all." Y/n's mouth stayed open and Harry smiled at her. "You what? Kissed James again? Woowwww should I leave you two alone?" Y/n "packed" up her things and started to leave. "Woah woah, baby. No thank you. I'm all yours. Only yours." Y/n put her things down and scooted over to Harry. "Are you sure? I can give him my wedding ring. He would look amazing with it." She took her ring off and handed it to Harry. "Uh no. Here you go." She held her hand out and laughed as Harry put it back on her finger. "I love you." Harry grabbed her arm and pulled her to him. "I love you too, James." Y/n gasped and hit Harry's chest. "I knew it!" They both smiled and kissed each other. "Now would you like to get ready? So you can watch the show." Y/n picked Isaiah up and kissed his cheeks. "Of course. Here you go." He took his baby boy from Y/n and walked out of the trailer with Y/n and Darcy behind him. "Come here, baby." Harry reached out his hand for Darcy and she went to him walking on set. James was talking to one of the set people when Harry walked up with the family. "You ready to get your outfit on?" Harry let the kids go with him to the dressing room and Y/n stayed behind. She looked around at the stage and sat down where she guess her and the babies would be sitting. A few minutes went by and Y/n was surprised to see Harry coming out carrying Darcy and James carrying Isaiah. He had on a purple suit with a floral pattern on it and Darcy had on a little blue sundress and white shoes. Isiah had a blue shirt and tan shorts with beige shoes. Y/n loved seeing her babies dressed up but she didn't know why. "They look sweet but why are they dressed up?" Before Harry could say anything James spoke. "It's a gift from me and the studio. I got you something too, Y/n. Here you go. Her dress was a short sparkly black dress with silk outlining and tied with a bow in the back.

 Her dress was a short sparkly black dress with silk outlining and tied with a bow in the back

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She had black heels handed to her as well. "Well I'll be back." Harry was talking to James when Y/n came out in her outfit. It fit her perfectly and she looked amazing. Harry couldn't stop looking at her and almost forgot he was in public. "Oh my god, Y/n. Your legs. Your outfit. You're....wow." Y/n bent down to pick up Isaiah and love on him. "I don't look that good, crazy." Harry shook his head trying to not say what he was thinking. He had Darcy in his arms so he had to slow down. "We gotta go now she show starts in an hour." Harry set Darcy next to Y/n and gave her a kiss. "You be good for mommy. Understood?" Darcy shook her head and went up to Isaiah. "Now you protect mommy and sissy. Be good." He looked at Y/n. "Now you. He gave her a kiss and hugged her while talking in her ear. "I'm going to destroy you later." Y/n wasn't expecting that and stumbled a little bit. He leaned back and winked walking away with James.

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