Headed home

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The family was up bright and early to leave for England. Harry was frantic around the cabin to find his shoes and Y/n was helping Darcy put on hers. "I don't understand it. I put them right there!" He pointed next to the door and Y/n looked at the spot. She got up and moved a box and found his shoes. "Not a word." She smiled and started to go back to Darcy. "Yes, daddy." Harry was caught off guard by that comment and he hated when she did that in front of anyone. "Mmhmm. We will see." Darcy walked to the car and got in herself and Harry strapped her in. "You're such a big girl now. Where did my baby go?" Darcy laughed and touched her face. "I'm here, daddy! Here!" Harry kissed her hands and closed the door to get in the car. Y/n was finished with Isaiah and she got in next to Harry. "Ready to go home?" Y/n sighed and leaned her head back. "Absolutely. We needed this vacation. Thank you." She held his hand as he pulled out to head to their plane. "You know I was thinking about babies again. I think I do want a third. But that's it. After this one I'm cutting us off." Harry was excited at Y/n's final decision he couldn't stop smiling. "Deal. I love seeing you pregnant too. You glow." Y/n checked her phone and her sister messaged her. "Oh my god." He turned his head over to her anxiously, not taking his eyes off the road. "What's wrong?" Y/n's color drained out of her face and she looked right ahead. "Its mum. She's gone."
Harry didn't know what to say but kept driving. "What do you mean gone?" Y/n's eyes started to get red and watery. "She's dead, Harry. She went into cardiac arrest and by the time she got to the hospital it was too late. She's gone." Y/n was crying heavily at this point. "I know she didn't treat me right and I know I didn't deserve anything she did to me but she's still my mom. Now I have no parents left." Y/n started bawling and Harry stopped the car. He got out and went to her side. "Come here." She got out and glued herself to him sobbing. He rubbed her back and consoled her as much as he could. "Listen. I know you and your mum didn't have a good relationship. But listen I'm sure somewhere in her mind she was proud of you. I'm sure she loved you. When we get home I'm gonna cancel going onto James show. I can stay with you." Y/n shook her head no at Harry and wiped her eyes. "No. This is scheduled and we will be alright. It'll just take time to get used to. I'll be fine. I promise." Harry kissed her and got back into the car. "I love you." She looked over to Harry and smiled. "I love you too."
The plane ride was long and reasonably quiet. Harry had Isaiah in his arms napping and Darcy was next to him sleeping. Y/n was looking out the window at the scenery below her. She wondered how her life would have been if her mom was supportive. Darcy and Isaiah never met her and Y/n hated that. Her mind was racing until she felt someone next to her. "Do you think she ever thought about me? Like at all?" Harry looked over at Y/n and got in front of her. "I'm sure she did. Listen you take all the time you need. You helped me when...Robin died and I'll be here for you now. You're never alone and you always have me." Y/n was silent and paused until she jumped in Harry's arms making him fall back a little. "I don't deserve you. At all." He held her tight, know she needed all the love he could give. "Yes you do. You always have." She wiped her tears and looked at Harrys shirt. "I'm sorry." His shirt had snot all over it so he took it off. "No don't be sorry." Y/n didn't look at Harry and next thing she knew she was all over him. She kissed him passionately and he did the same to her. His hands were all over her and he picked her up and carried her to the back of the plane. Their bodies entwined with each other and becoming one. Harry's hands explored Y/n's body at full forced not missing one inch. "What's going on here?" Y/n pulled at Harry's hair making him feral. "Just distract me. Please." Harry didn't say mother word and continued to kiss Y/n from her forehead to the bottom of her neck. Before he got any farther he heard me felt her sobbing uncontrollably. He stopped and held her tight. She sobbed into his shoulder and didn't want to stop. "I'm sorry." He hushed her and hugged her tighter. "No." He pushed her away to talk to her. "Never. And I mean never apologize for speaking or showing your feelings. You just lost someone important to you. It's okay to be upset and it's okay to cry." Y/n nodded at him and wiped her nose. "I don't know what I was doing. I thought sex would distract me but it only made me more upset. He cupped her face and held her waist. "I was wondering for a second but with the emotions right now I figured you'd have a reason. "I just...I'm scared. For a second I was scared that one day I'd get a call and something happened to you. Or our babies...". Tears started falling again and Harry did his best to console her. "We will be fine. We'll be alright." Y/n hugged Harry again and smiled. "You know that should be in a song." He was confused but decided to humor her. "What?" She took a moment, but answered him. "We'll be alright."

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