Love love

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    "Cuddles." Y/n held out her arms and Harry practically ran to her. "Now this is what I'm talking about." Y/n settled into Harry's arms and decided to stay there forever. "I have to perform tomorrow. Short notice I know but it's on the Today show." Y/n held Harry tighter and shook her head. "Okay. I might stay here for that one. It depends on how I'm feeling." Harry kissed her forehead and petted her head. "Plus it'll be really early. Like 8 in the morning early." Y/n didn't say anything else and drifted off to sleep in Harry's arms.
     Y/n woke up about 7:30 the next morning to Harry putting his shoes on. "Good morning." Harry jumped a little and looked at Y/n. "You scared the shit out of me." Y/n crawled over to Harry and draped her body over his back. "I'm sorry." Harry touched her arms and got up turning around to hug her. "It's okay, baby. I'll be back around noon and then we will get ready to head home, okay?" Y/n agreed and kissed Harry bye for the morning. A few hours passed and she turned on the Today show to see Harry performing Sign of The Times to all of New York. His wedding ring shining in the sunlight and to Y/n's surprise it was the only ring he had on. She decided on a bottle of water and continued to watch the interview part of the show. "Harry, how's life? Your record charted so there's that but how's your family?" Harry smiled big and spoke to everyone around him. "You know I gotta say. I couldn't be any luckier. Y/n is just...I can't even tell you. Patient. Lovely. Beautiful. The best mum ever. And the kids? Good lord they are a handful but in the best way. I love them so much." The interviewer smiled and hand picked some questions from the audience. "Will you guys ever have a third baby?" Y/n froze and stared at the tv. "We've had talks about it but nothing set in stone. I think we are going to wait until this tour is over to discuss it further." Y/n sighed relief and watched the rest of the interview.
    Harry came back about 1:30 ready to go home. "That was exhausting. Are you guys ready to go home?" Harry picked Darcy up and carried her to help put her shoes on. "When's next show?" Harry finished tying her shoes and answered his girl. "Tomorrow, baby. Then we continue touring for a little while. Are you excited?" Darcy cheered and Y/n walked through with Isaiah in her arms. "So is this boy. He loves watching daddy." The family got on their plane for the ride home. Once they got their both kids wanted something to eat so Harry decided to order out. "I really hope you don't have any weird ass craving. The last pregnancies made me gag." Y/n smiled and remembered some of them. "Nah, not yet. Just wait. Though. I'm sure there will be." The kids both had their food and each had their bath ready for the night to end for them. Y/n enjoyed having everyone together and it made her think about her third baby. "You have that thinking look." Y/n looked at Harry and smiled. "I am thinking. It's a good thinking I promise." Harry sat next to her on the couch holding a sleeping Isaiah. "And what are you thinking about?" Y/n crossed her arms and sorted closer to a Harry. "Well, just the third baby. How after this one I'm done having babies and I want to get my tubes tied. Is...that okay? I don't know if it's considered good thinking now." Harry furrowed his brow and looked at his sleeping babies, Darcy being on the opposite couch. "You know I'd love to have as many as you want. I'm fine with three and it's your body. Completely your choice to do whatever you want." Y/n looked at Harry and smiled. "Thank you. I just wanted your input since ya know...we're married." Harry's smile lit up the room and he got up, kissing Y/n. "I appreciate you keeping me in the loop. Now, I have to put this boy to bed and then I'll come back and get Darcy." Y/n went to her bedroom and looked in her closet for her baby items from both kids. She found Darcy's hospital clothes along with one of the first pictures Harry took with her. She continued to look into the boxes and found her pictures with the boys and her one direction clothes. Y/n smiled and looked in Isaiah box and found his hospital clothes and the outfit he wore at One directions last show. In another box she found a picture of Anne, Harry, Darcy, Isaiah and Robin together. She had an idea and put it up for safe keeping. Harry found her in the closet and sat next
to her. "Looking through memories?" Y/n nodded her head and smiled, finding other things. "Look. So small." It was a picture of the boys holding Isaiah and Darcy t the last concert. "They've grown so much. They're not babies anymore." Harry touched the items Y/n had and pulled them away from her. "Yes they are. They will always be our babies. Always. But for now. I have something to show you." Y/n put the items away and followed Harry to his table he wrote on. "I have a song idea I want you to hear it." Y/n nodded and sat on Harry's lap. "Wait, your album? Like a second album already?" Harry's dimples grew and he nodded. "Yes, the second album, silly. Nothing is happening yet I'm just writing but I wanted to be opinion. I just can't think of a name for it." Harry started singing...

Test of my patience
There's things that we'll never know
You sunshine, you temptress...

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