Snake and Lion

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Y/n entered the Harry Potter store and gasped. Everything around her was magical and full of surprises. "Wow." She immediately turned into a little kid and looked at everything she laid her eyes on. "Darcy.. mommy has gone off the deep end." Y/n had Isaiah in her arms looking at everything and he was almost as excited because she was. Harry and Darcy looked around the store and Darcy seen a shirt that caught her eye. "I like this." She held up a Gryffindor shirt and asked Harry if she could have it. "Course you can, baby. Give it to me." Y/n came back and Isaiah had a stuffed Hedwig in his hand. "What did you find, my boy?" Isaiah held the animal to Harry and then held it to his chest. "Hedwig." Harry smiled at Y/n and rubbed her arm. "And what did you find?" She smiled and put Isaiah in his seat. "Well I found a few things. But it's okay they're expensive." Harry walked up to her and kissed her cheek. "Go get them." Y/n smiled and went to the items. He looked around and found a few gryffindor things for himself and put them in the basket they grabbed. Y/n came back with a Slytherin scarf, a snake stuffed animal and one of Draco's wands. "Oh wow. So you're a Slytherin? Hm. They're freaky and you definitely are not freaky." Y/n walked up to Harry and whispered in his ear. "Well the first chance we get I'll show you how freaky I can be." Harry swallowed hard and tried to focus on shopping me not Y/n. She looked at more items in the store but. Irving caught her eye like her other items. "Are you ready?" Y/n was and they paid the clerk and left. "Thank you." Y/n kissed Harry's cheek and he smiled at her. "Well I'm gonna need you to show me how freaky you are later." She blushed and walked next to Harry while both kids passed out being so tired. "How are you feeling?" Y/n hadn't thought about it too much since she was distracted. "I'm okay, just kinda tired." Harry had a car pick them up and take them back to their penthouse. Both kids went to their little rooms there and slept without any problems. Y/n got her things out of the bags and placed them in their room. Harry sneaked up behind her and kissed her neck. "Ready to show me how freaky you are?" Harry wrapped his arms around Y/n's waist and inhaled her scent. "How are you so attracted to me?" Harry let her go and grabbed her shoulders, taking her to the bed and sat her down. "After 4 almost 5 years you're still asking me that. Come on Y/n how many times do I have to tell you." Y/n thought he was mad at her so she started crying. "I'm sorry." She walked into the bathroom and shut the door. For some reason she sat in the tub with her knees up to her chest. "Y/n? Can I come in?" Y/n didn't answer but he came in anyway. He got in the run with her and sat the same way. "I didn't mean to sound aggravated. I just wish you could see what I see. A beautiful girl that I love very much." He touched her legs and she started to let loose and got between his legs and kissed him. It shocked him a little bit and continued to kiss her. He ran his hands up and down her squeezing her butt. "Are these the pregnancy hormones? Because I like them." Y/n smiled and kissed Harry's jaw, him moaning in the process. She got out of the tub and Harry clenched his jaw while watching her go out the door. "Later." She was tired but wanted to get Harry excited. Darcy came out of her room and waved some stickers at her mommy. "What you got, baby? I thought you was sleeping." Darcy handed her the stickers she got from the Harry Potter store. "What these?" Y/n sat Darcy next to her and showed her. "Well this Lion means Gryffindor. They are brave and help others. The snake represents Slytherin. The best house but we don't tell daddy. They are all about ambition. Also a little sneaky. And being cunning. The raven is Ravenclaw. They are smart and they plan ahead. Kinda of like when daddy has shows planned. And finally Hufflepuff is this badger. They play fair and are hardworking. Each house has their positives and negatives. Mommy is a slytherin and daddy is a gryffindor. I think you would be...Hufflepuff. Wanna know why?" Darcy nodded her head and cuddled up to Y/n. "Because you are so smart. So kind and you never have a problem sharing anything. You're fair and also loyal. You're also my very first baby and I love you." Darcy hugged Y/n tight and gave her a kiss on her cheek. "Now listen to mommy. It's time for your nap, okay? Go lay down for a little while and when you get up we will go get dinner." Darcy went to her room and laid down for a little while. Y/n stretched her body out on the bed and felt a tinge in her belly. It went away but she knew not for long. She stretched even more and Harry entered the bedroom to find her sprawled out. "Well isn't this a wonderful invitation."

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