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Y/n cried in Harry's arms feeling shock and happiness. "In this really? Are we doing this for a third time? I...this is crazy, Harry." Harry didn't say a word but his face said it all. He was excited. Half smiling half shocked while holding Y/n. She looked up at him and put her hand on his cheek. "Can you believe it? Three kids? Three?" Harry's eyes started to water and he was in full bliss. "Three, baby. Three." Y/n got up and looked at the test again in her hand. "Oh my god. Well I must be...about five weeks now. Shit." Y/n got up and started breathing heavily. She sat on the edge of the bathtub and ran her hand through her hair. "Baby are you okay?" Y/n looked at Harry who got on his knees in front of her. "Yeah, I'm great. Just shocked that this is real." They came out of the bathroom and Harry looked through the cabinets. "We better stock up on food. If we plan on being here for a few more days the kids will need snacks. And if you have any cravings dear god." Y/n came up behind Harry and poked his shoulder. "What is that supposed to mean?" She touched Harry's chest and his arms went around her. "I meant that your cravings are disgusting. That's what." Y/n gasped me held her head back. Harry kissed her throat and she laughed. "Oh Harry this is crazy. Three?!" He laughed and held her tight. "Well at least we will be on tour and it'll be something we are used to. Maybe it'll be twins." Y/n dropped her smile and gave Harry a dirty look. "Don't even joke about that." Harry laughed and followed Y/n to the living room and rested on the couch. "I'm just hoping I'm not miserable again. Wow." Harry decided to pick Y/n and carry her to the bedroom. "Time for bed."
In the morning the family took a day out in New York. It was insanely crowded and people stood everywhere. Y/n and Harry took their stroller so both kids could be comfortable and not walk around. "Whats first?" Harry pulled out his phone that had his own little agenda. "Well if you wanna go to a build a bear store they have one, there's a cafe and pretty much anything else you could ask for." Y/n smiled and looked at her phone. "Y/n I think you need a new phone. You've had that for what two years now? Come on." Y/n didn't question it anymore and just followed Harry to the Apple Store. The iphone 8 just came out so that's what Harry wanted. They both got the plus model and Y/n was fascinated. "Wow. What else will they come up with?" Harry paid the store and they left with their new phones. Y/n took pictures of Darcy and Isaiah and the picture was so clear. "Wowww...this is nice. Thank you baby." Harry noticed Isaiah was getting grumpy and he was hungry. "I think we need to get some food. Come on." Harry led them to a restaurant that had the kid essentials; fries and chicken nuggets. "Such a staple." Darcy sat next to Harry and Isaiah with Y/n. "What will you like, baby?" Y/n pointed at things and explained it to her boy. "This." He pointed to nuggets and a sundae. "How about we get the nuggies and then see how you feel? We don't want an upset tummy." Isaiah fought Y/n a little but Harry stepped in. "Isaiah. Listen to mommy. You do as she says. Understood?" Isaiah listened to Harry and got what Y/n recommended. "Now, Darcy what about you?" Harry had his arm wrapped around her chair and scooted close to him. "Um...tenders please." Harry helped her order and the waitress smiled at Harry and took their order to the back. "They always stare and smile at you. They never smile at me."  Y/n looked at Harry with a little smile but he could tell it really did bother her. "Sweetheart I don't know. Maybe it's because they recognize me. Don't worry. I'm all yours, okay?" Harry held out his hand and Y/n took it. Harry felt eyes on him and looked up seeing paparazzi taking pictures of him and his family. "Shit. Don't turn around." Y/n wanted to turn but she didn't, interested in why she couldn't. "Why?" Harry kept looking at the cameras. "Pap. Everywhere. They take one picture of me not smiling and suddenly we are getting a divorce." Y/n looked at Isaiah and Darcy. "I'd love to smash one of those cameras." Harry chuckled and looked at Y/n. "Now that would be funny." He winked at her and she felt butterflies as if it was the first time he did it. Her face got red and she looked at Darcy. "Whats wrong baby?" She looked like she was about ready to cry. "My tummy hurts." Harry picked her up and put her on his lap. "It's probably where you haven't eaten much today. Try for daddy, okay?" Darcy nodded and Harry kissed her cheek making her smile a little. "There's our smiling girl. I'm sure you'll feel better after you eat." When their food came Darcy was feeling better and ate most of her food. She held hands with Y/n whole Harry pushed Isaiah around. Finally she wanted held so Y/n carried her a little while they walked. "Can we go in?" Darcy noticed build a bear like Harry said. "If you want to." Y/n put Darcy down and she ran to the bears to pick one out. She got a light brown bunny with a pink nose. She went through the line of stuffing it and naming it but clothes was a different story. Harry held Isaiah and carried him out of the store because he wasn't interested in a stuffed animal. Y/n and Darcy picked out the sparkliest and brightest outfit they could. Harry texted Y/n to let her know they would be around the mall.

HARRY: I'm gonna go look at something. We will be right back.

Y/n figured he wanted to look at games or something. Honestly she didn't have a clue what he was doing. They finished build a bear and came out looking for the boys. She walked around the block with Darcy and finally spotted Harry talking with a girl. She watched for a second and the girl gave Harry a piece of paper and he put it on his pocket. Y/n walked up to him after the girl left. "Are you ready to go?" Y/n was bothered by that piece of paper but she tried to play it off. "Harry what did that girl give you? That piece of paper." Harry touched his front pocket and pulled it out. It's just the directions for the Harry Potter store. Look." He gave her the paper and she looked at it. "The address?" He looked at her and smiled. "Yeah, it's just a few blocks down. Baby you know after all this time I'd never cheat on you." Harry kissed Y/n and he stood there for a second. "Now come on. We need to go to the Wizarding World."

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