Ice skater

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Darcy woke Harry up by going to his side of the bed. "Daddy door open." Harry raised the blanket for Darcy and she crawled in. "Darcy your feet are cold." She put them on Harry and he jumped a little but got used to it. "Can we play in snow?" Harry cuddled her closer and kissed her little cheek. "We can in just a little bit, okay? Daddy just needs a little more sleep." Darcy fell back asleep but Harry couldn't. He rolled out of bed and decided to check on his boy. He was still sleeping and so was Y/n. She looked content and her face looked peaceful. In the back of his mind he hoped she would get pregnant. He'd have ten kids if she would but if she didn't that would be okay too. He started to scroll through twitter and then heard footsteps. He turned around to see Y/n walking towards him. "Hey." She got on the couch with him and snuggled up. "My legs hurt." He giggled and tapped her knee. "Yeah sorry about that. Also about ya know inside you. It kinda just happened." Y/n clicked her tongue and looked at Harry. "It's okay. I had a thought and I don't think it would be too bad with three kids. We both love kids and I know you'd have ten." Harry looked at her shocked. "That's exactly what I was thinking. So are we gonna have another baby?" Y/n put her house slippers on and got up to get her a water. "I guess so. If I get pregnant now it'll be during your shows. There's no way I can do it by myself. It's going to be two times harder." Harry laid on the couch and Y/n sat on the floor next to him. "We can do it. Darcy can help some and Isaiah will be a good big brother. I was wondering if you would want a nanny? To help you?" Y/n turned around and scoffed at Harry. "Uh no. No no. I don't want anybody we don't know to watch our kids." That was enough of that and Isaiah woke up and started crying. Y/n got up to get him and changed his diaper. "Take your son. I have to go wake your daughter." Y/n came back with Darcy following her. Her curls went every which way and she looked like Harry. "Well my special beings are you ready to go play in the snow?"
The kids, Y/n and Harry got bundled up in their warm clothes and headed to their car with Harry driving. He drove to a little ice rink that had a kid section and they got out. "Ice skating? You haven't skated since the Night Changes video." Harry picked up Darcy and went to the booth to get her some skates. The girl at the window turned around and blushed. "Oh lord. Hi. many?" Harry smiled at her while holding Darcy. "A size 10 and a size 9 for adult and size 6 and 11 for kids please." The girl smiled and got the skates for Harry. "Thanks." He turned to Y/n and handed her Isaiah's for her. "Y/n you can skate right?" She was putting her own skates on first and tied them. "Yeah I can. I had a friend in school take me when her family went all the time." The four had their skates on and hit the ice. Harry held Darcy's hand and she held herself up. Y/n put Isaiah down and he did okay. She held both of his hands and stood behind him skating in a straight line. He was laughing but looking for Harry. Harry let Darcy go and she skated a little before falling and she got back up. She started crying a little bit Harry came over to her. "You're fine it's going to happen. Listen daddy did this another time when you was very little. I fell too." Harry looked over at Y/n and she had Isaiah in her arms and twirling with him. He felt like he was looking at a moving painting she was so beautiful. An hour went by and Y/n was getting cold. "Harry are you ready for some lunch?" He picked up Darcy and went to return the skates while Y/n took Isaiah back to the car. When he put Darcy in the car his face was red from the cold. "Where to?" Y/n pulled out her phone and pointed at a local restaurant that looked cozy. "Here sounds good." Harry pulled it up o his phone and the drove to it and it was packed. They finally got a seat and looked through the menu. "Darcy baby you can order some chicken if you want. They have that here." She was sitting next to Y/n and she was stuck to her mommy. "I'm gonna take little man to the restroom. I think he might be dirty." When Harry got up he grabbed the diaper bag and was out of sight. As Darcy was coloring on her little menu a guy came up to Y/n. "Well..hello. How are you?" Y/n looked up to see who he was talking to. "Are you talking to me?" He smirked and sat down. "Now who else would I be talking to? You're the only beautiful girl here." Y/n looked away and down at Darcy. "Can you please leave? My husband will be back anytime now." The guy continued to make himself at home in the booth. "Come on, baby. We both know you're not married. Where is he then?" Y/n looked up and noticed Harry was standing right next to him. "He's right here. Get up and stop talking to my wife." The guy was speechless and got up right away. "Sorry, man I couldn't help myself. Just look at her. I mean she's fucking hot do you blame me?" Harry got up closer to his face and spoke to him. "Don't talk about her that way. Leave." The man decided to leave and was embarrassed. Y/n was shocked and kinda turned on by Harry's behavior. "Wow I didn't know you could be that authoritative. It's kinda hot." Harry winked at her and the ordered their food. When they left the guy was still staring at Y/n. "Harry that same guy is staring at me." He looked back and the guy looked away. "I think we need to call a security team out here. I don't trust him." Harry was on the phone as soon as he was back on the car. His face was red, signaling how mad he was. "Harry I'm sure we won't see him again. Don't let this ruin our trip. Come on, let's go do some shopping or something." Harry sighed and looked at Y/n. "You know as well as I do anything can happen. Now that man could have hurt you or god forbid Darcy. That's not going to happen so I'm calling security, okay?" Y/n looked at her side of the window not saying anything else to Harry. She wasn't mad but put the subject to rest. Harry pulled up to the local mall and got Isaiah out and Darcy out with Y/n. They had little carts for families they grabbed one and went to different stores. Some people came up to Harry for some pictures but nothing crazy. He was still aggravated from earlier and Y/n didn't talk to him much. He put his arm around her waist and she accepted but she wanted to look at things too. "Are you okay?" Y/n was holding up outfits for Darcy to pick from. "I'm fine. Why?" Harry looked a little nervous and guilty. "I don't want you to think I was yelling at you earlier. I just...worry a lot about you and I don't want you hurt. We don't know anybody here and we can't trust anyone. I'm sorry." Y/n walked over to Harry and kissed him. "I'm not mad. You're very protective and that's one of the things I love about you." Walking through the mall ended quickly when both kids started getting tired. "I think it's time to go back to the house, don't you? Security has a place just down the road from us." When they got back to the house both kids were out cold. Y/n and Harry decided to take a little nap as well feeling content with their day.

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