Start the show

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The show started as normal. James talking and the screen lit up to Harry laying in a bed. Once the crowd realized who it was they started screaming. Harry came out wearing his suit and walked on the stage. He shook James hand and sat down ready to start his interview. They talked about the album and then Y/n heard her name. "So Harry, how is Y/n? The kids?" Harry smiled really big when James mentioned them. "Well, they are doing incredibly well. Both are growing like weeds and Y/n she's...well gorgeous. The best person and wife ever. I'm obsessed with her, James. She's perfect." Y/n smiled and almost started to tear up. Harry could say the same things over and over about her and she'd never get tired of it. "She is a good woman that's for sure. She's spunky too. Doesn't let you get away with anything does she?" The crowd laughed and Harry smiled. "No, she doesn't. But that's a good thing. Sometimes I can be a little impulsive." The interview portion concluded and the carpool karaoke began. Harry was wearing that orange outfit and black jeans and it was hilarious. Singing and laughing along with James. The next segment was Harry playing a game with James before he performed. "Harry Styles, everyone." Harry performed "Sign of the Times" and the kids loved it. "Daddy's crying." Y/n looked at Harry and noticed a tear going down his cheek. He was staring at her and couldn't keep his eyes off of her. She was so proud of him and she held on to her babies. When the show was over the three waited on Harry in his dressing room. He entered and instantly hugged Y/n. "That was amazing, Harry. Are you okay?" He pulled away and wiped his eyes. "Yeah I'm okay. Just a little overwhelmed. Looking at you three and singing just makes me emotional. Are you ready to go back to the penthouse?" The kids fell asleep in the car and Harry was really quiet all the way back. They put them to bed and Harry till didn't say much. Y/n's feet killed her so she took her high heels off and felt instant relief. She turned round and Harry was standing behind her looking sad. "What's wrong?" He couldn't hold it in and started crying. "Harry tell me." He wiped tears from his eyes and sat with Y/n. "I...seeing you watching me perform really got to me. I know you've seen it a million times but it really got me when the Darcy and Isaiah was paying attention. It made me excited to expand our family." Before Y/n could say anything to Harry she got sick again. She tried her best to hold it back but there was no way. She ran to the bathroom and got there just in time. She was in there for a few and Harry came in. "Are you okay?" Y/n shook her head no and turned around to Harry. "We need a test to make sure."
Harry asked security to get them a test and the couple eagerly waited. Finally a knock came to the door and a nervous Harry grabbed the bag. He gave it to Y/n and she opened it. "What if I am? I mean, we've talked about it but this could be it. This will be it. If I'm pregnant I'm done with having  babies. Is that okay?" Harry smiled a little and took Y/n's hands. "Of course it's okay. Y/n just because we're married it's still your body and your choice to what you want to do. Yes I'd like to be involved but I'm not going to tell you what to do. That's foolish. Now, are you ready?" Y/n started to go to the bathroom but she stopped. "No. I'm not ready yet. Can we just talk? It helps calm my nerves." Harry pulled her over to one of the couches and put her on his lap. "We can wait as long as you want and talk about whatever you want." Y/n cuddled into his shoulder and started talking. "Well you looked amazing in that suit. I really like your style now. No pun intended. I'm eager to see where your style changes take you. Not wearing skinny jeans anymore or something. It would be kinda nice to see you branch out." Harry ran his hand through his hair and touched Y/n's leg. "I think it would interesting to see what I'll wear on stage. Shirtless with a vest or jacket, sparkly pants maybe." Y/n realized she was still wearing her dress and she touched the material. "Do you really like this dress? It's pretty comfy. The shoes felt like razor blades though." Harry touched Y/n's leg and felt all the way up and down. "It is a very pretty dress. But I like it better off." Y/n held her head back and Harry touched her chest. "Are you ready to see if I'm having your baby...again?" Harry helped Y/n up and went to the bathroom. "Can you get me a cup?" He came back with a plastic cup and Y/n used the bathroom. She had to wait five minutes and there will be a yes or no. She came out of the bathroom with a nervous look. "I'm scared. But excited to have a baby again. Oh Lord. I'm scared." Harry's timer went off in his phone and Y/n turned around and came out with the test. She hadn't looked at it yet and she was shaking. Putting it down on the counter Harry and Y/n stared at it, time wasting away. "Well are you gonna flip it?" Harry swallowed and reached for the test. "Wait." He stopped and looked at Y/n. She took a deep breath and shook her head. He flipped the test and let out a sigh.


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