First Day *Traskit ball*

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Neji POV
Is that Akemi? No but that's a guy. Or is he a girls? Ahh my brain hurts. I must know if that's her.
That's when she turned around, and looked at me. She waved. "Hi Itoko-san(1)" she said. Yup that's her. I put my head on my desk.
I wonder if Hinata knew she was coming and didn't tell me....
Akemi smiled evilly at me. she turned back around.... I wonder if anyone else realizes she's a girl. Hmm this should be interesting.

Akemi POV
This is the first day and I have already been given homework. I slumped over in my chair and put my head down. Right now I was in Sophomore Literature. The teachers name was Mr.Ebisu and gosh was he not only boring but annoying. He argued with Naruto every five minutes about how not boring he is. I put my head down and decided this was going to be my nap time class. And just as I was about to go to sleep a rule banged on my desk.
"Excuse me there will be no sleeping in my class." Mr. Ebisu said.
"I'm sorry dude but you're boring." I said rubbing my eyes.
"see!" naruto said.
"Boring I beg to differ." Mr. Ebisu
"you can beg all you want but you're not going to get anymore interesting." I said putting my head back down.
"If I'm so boring why don't you two teach the classroom." Mr. Ebisu said.
"See I would but I don't feel like getting up."Naruto said.
"Fine I'll do it." I said getting up and taking the ruler.
I got up in front of the half asleep classroom. I whistled a loud one and everyone woke up.
"Okay class I will be your teacher for this period. So listen and listen well. How many of you all think Mr.Ebisu is boring." I asked. Most the class raised there hand. "That's absurd." Mr. Ebisu said. "Quiet while the teacher is talking." I said to Mr. Ebisu. "Hmph." he pouted. "Okay I'm here to live it up in here." I said. "Now since I'm new I'm going to need to learn all your names. So Naruto let me barrow your basketball real quick." I said. He passed it to me. "Okay so we gonna play a game. It's called trash ball. I pass you the ball you say your name,a thing you like and make a shot. If you miss the shot then your out and the ball goes to the next team, but if you make the shot you pass it to your teammate to make a shot.
First team to make 15 shots win.
Now I'll give you a number you are either on team one or team two.
Ready now start!
(1) cousin

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