First Day *Weird Dreams*

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Ino Sakura and the red haired girl ran up to us.
Ami looked to me. "Are these friends of yours," she asked. "More like-
"Oh my god Ake what are you doing here i thought you said you were busy?" Ino said.
"fangirls," I muttered. Ami laughed. "Huh?" Sakura questioned. "Oh nothing," I reassured her. I looked towards the red haired girl.
"Oh this is "I'm Karin nice to meet you" the girl said holding her hand up interrupting Ino. I'm guessing she wanted me to kiss her hand. I took her hand and shook it. "Nice to meet you too," I said. She seemed confused at the hand shake but went along with it. "And who is ...this?" Sakura said with a fake smile. I'm guessing she thought Ami was my girlfriend or something because she was mean mugging her like no tomorrow. I don't see why she looks exactly like me despite the hair but I guess she doesn't really think much. "Oh Sakura, Ino, Karin this is my sister, Ami," I said. "Oh!" Sakura said all cheerful. "Nice to meet you," Ami said. I could tell by the look on Ami's face that she didn't mean it. "So what are you doing at the mall?" Ino asked. Shopping duh... "Oh we were just leaving actually I-" "Hey Sakura isn't that Sasuke's group over there," Karin pointed. I turned my face to see Naruto, Neji, Kiba and Sasuke. "Hey Sasuke!!!," Sakura screamed. Sasuke's group turned around and then they saw us.
Uhhhh I guess I'm not going home anytime soon.....
Sasuke's group laughed when they saw Sakura. Then Naruto noticed me. "Yo! Ake," Naruto said. I gave a small wave. They started to walk over to us. "More friends of yours, I'm guessing," Ami said. I nodded. "They're not bad they're kinda cute," Ami said. I laughed.
I rolled my eyes. The guy walked up to us and they all looked at me. Then at my sister then back at me.
"Woah am I seeing double," Kiba asked. "Obviously not because ones hot and ones not," Naruto said flirting with Ami.
Ouch that's rude I mean I know they think I'm a guy and all but still I think I'm attractive.
I punched Naruto in the side. "Owwwww...." Naruto muttered. "Stay away from my sister perv." I said. "Perv? I am no such thing it's just my boy instinct to flirt with a pretty girl." Naruto said taking ami's hand. I hit him with a shopping bag. "Come on Ami let's go," I said. I took her hand and dragged her off. "haha.. okay bye Ake's friends." and with that we left.
We arrived home with many clothes mainly for Ami. The whole drive home Ami was just starring at m with a creepy smile.
"Okay what is it?" I asked her. "You didn't tell them you're a girl," she said. "I tried but every time I try to say it I get interrupted," I told her. She laughed at me.... "What's so funny," I questioned. "You like one of them," she said. "Where did you get that assumption!," I exclaimed.
"I'm your sister your twin at that, you like someone even if you don't know it yet," she said. "What are you a fortune cookie," I exclaimed.
"Nope just very observant," she smirked. I rolled my eyes. "Well you've ,met all my people no what about you and your private school, what was it called again?" I questioned. "Akatsuki High.... and what about it?" she asked. "Yea that! Have you met anyone at that school how was your first day and did you meet any boys~~~~" I said. She rolled here eyes but smiled. "Your so annoying but yes I made some friends I met this girl named Konan she's really cool and I met her group of fans and they are all guy and all pretty "unique" There is this guy named Pein he's really cool, this guy named Hidan he curses a lot, this guy named Tobi he's adorable and naive, this guy named Kizami he carries a fish around in a bowl, this guy named Kakuzu he likes pointy things, this guy Deidara he looks like a girl, this guy named Sasori he's kinda cute *blush* and this guy named Zetsu he's an asshole to everyone." she explained. That's a lot of people and I see you like Sasori," I said. "I never said that he's just cute.. Konan and Itachi are trying to hook me up with him..." she said with an embarrassed look. "Who's Itachi?" I questioned. "Oh he's just this guy who's friends with the group and occasionally comes around them I'm actually going to his house tomorrow after school wanna come?" she asked. "Sure anything to get out of staying home all day." I said.
"Okay well I have homework to do so goodnight," Ami said. "Ha! good luck with that. Goodnight," I said.
She left my room. I turned on the TV and started watching until I fell asleep.

I was in school and class had just ended it was just me in the class room with Sasuke. I suddenly started walking towards him. I had no control of my actions. He looked up at me and smirked. He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "I know your secret." my eyes went wide at his words. But I couldn't speak a pair of lips were planted on mine. He's kissing me....!
I awoke in a flash. Feeling weird. Feeling different.
Do I like.......him.

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