Ninth Day *Confusing Plans*

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  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later in the school day~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Ake! What are you doing?" Naruto asked, and by the look on Sasuke's Kiba's and Neji's face I could tell they all wanted to know.
I looked around to make sure no one was around. "Well.... I can't give you all the details right now but Sakura did something to my sister but mixed up me for my sister so her initial target was me, but she messed up. So I have to get her back thinking that I am another twin of myself. And Sasuke you play a part in this one. You will be dating Akari so Sakura can think of me as a target not knowing I am Akemi. So moral of the story is that I'm going to get even with Sakura who initial wanted to get even with the girl version of me." I explained. All the guys blinked in confusion. I sweat dropped. "Never mind it doesn't really concern you guys so you can leave," I said as shooed them off. They all sighed and began walking away. "Not you Sasuke," I said with my hands on my hips. Sasuke stopped mid walk almost tripping. "Why me?" he questioned. "Were you not listening to what I just said," I said. "I tried.." he murmured. "Well since Sakura and her groupies are your fan girls we have to date to make me her target because right now I'm no threat to her. I'm just another girl." I explained. "You're very complicated as a girl" Sasuke muttered. I sweat dropped. "Thanks" I said sarcastically. "So what about Ake?" Sasuke questioned. "Why are you gonna miss him~" I teased. "No baka! Won't people think it's weird that every time Ake is here Akari isn't and vise versa" Sasuke said. "hmmm? I guess you're right.... Unless! I dress up as both of them" I said. "I don't like where this is going," Sasuke said. "For first period I'll dress up as Ake, second period I'll dress up Akari, third period Akari, fourth period Ake etc." I said. "And I'll alternate between the week so I won't get caught most of the teachers know my gender anyways"I explained. "I don't like this plan." he said. "Really? I thought you would like it since this means you can kiss me in public now. Oh well I'll guess." I said turning away. Sasuke grabbed my wrist. "You're evil for that. Fine... I'll join your plan" he sighed. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I knew you would."


"Sasuke where are we going?" I asked. Sasuke didn't answer. He just kept dragging me. We finally stopped at the locker across from Sakura's. That's when a pair of lips planted on mine. So that's what Sasuke was planning. I peeked in the corner of my eye to see a fuming Sakura. I smirked and went back to kissing Sasuke. His lips were.... soft. They were so relaxing. I could kiss them all day. Suddenly he parted. That brought me back to reality. Sasuke smirked. "You look happy," he said. "I- I am not!" I exclaimed turning away from him. Sasuke grabbed my hand. "Come on walk with me to lunch he said. I never saw Sasuke as the romantic type. But when he does romantic stuff it's so...... dreamy. I nodded "okay" I said holding his hand and we walked to the lunchroom holding hands. I was very happy actually. Very happy.  

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