First Day *The Mall*

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~~~~~~~~~~At Home~~~~~~~~~~~

"What do you mean you're not going to the mall?" Ami pouted.
" I mean I'm not going," Akemi said to her sister.
"But the mall is a great chance to meet people and-"
"You just want me to go so I can hold your shopping bags," Ami said.
"That's not totally true.....entirely," Ami said.
"Ake go with your sister it's a great chance to meet people," mother demanded.
"Moooooom!" I pouted.
" Go" she said.
And that's how I ended up running into Sakura and Ino at the mall. Yaaaaaaay for me NOT!
I don't really have a problem with Sakura and Ino it's just there screams because apparently every time they see something cute they scream. And they see cute things alot...... and I mean alot....
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Me and Ami enter the mall of Konoha it is packed with a whole bunch people. Let the horrible times begin.
Okay I am holding twelve shopping bags and only two are mine and we've only been to two stores. -_-"
On our way to the next store I spotted Sakura Ino and some red haired girl with glasses. She notices us.....
So it begins...

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