Eighteenth Day *Pizzaaaa*

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I got up from my sleep, and bathroom routine. I came out dressed in sweatpants and a white crop top. I went downstairs. BREAKFAST TIMEEEE! I went to the kitchen and started to make myself some waffles with a side of bacon, eggs and orange juice. YUM! As I cooked I couldn't help but feel like I was forgetting something... something extremely important.... hmmm..

Oh I know! The syrup! I began syruping my waffles. However somehow I felt that wasn't it. What am I forgetting. This was gonna bother me all day. That's when a certain duck haired male walked into the kitchen. OH RIGHT! Sasuke's here! I became flustered at what he was wearing. Or should I say what he wasn't wearing. He was in nothing but sweatpants. No shirt at all. His hair looked hot when it was in a mess too.
He noticed me and gave a lazy smirk. I couldn't help but snicker. That's when Ami ran into the kitchen. "BREAKFAST~~~" she mused. I quickly hid my food. "Ake where's my food?" she questioned. "Waiting for you to cook it," I said. "Wahhh that's not fair! How come you made some for Sasuke?" she questioned pointing at him. "I didn't I-" I stopped when I noticed Sasuke walking away with my plate of food. "Hey! Sasuke that's mine!" I exclaimed. His simple response was, "Your point" I felt my rage built up. Now what am I supposed to eat..... I walked up to my room. I was gonna force Sasuke into giving my food back, but by the time I got up there, there was nothing but an empty plate. He was already in the shower too. Anime tears fell down my face as I mourned my stolen breakfast. That's when I noticed Sasuke left his pants by the door, and an evil idea popped into my head. I grabbed his wallet and hid in my sister's room. "I don't want to talk to you!" she said. "Fine.... then I won't buy you a pizza," I said. "Pizza?" she questioned. I nodded. "Large?" she questioned. "EXTRA Large" I smirked.

"Okay so we would like to order two extra large two topping pizzas with stuffed crust, one with sausage and bacon bits and the other with extra cheese and sausage. We would also love to order 8 piece chicken wings and garlic sticks." I said. "Okay and what's the total?" I questioned. I smirked. "$68 peeeeerfect" I said. I hung up. "Okay the food should arrive in 30 minutes" I told Ami. "Don't you think Sasuke would be mad?" Ami asked. "You mean just like I was mad when he stole my breakfast? Yup!" I said. That's when Sasuke walked in. "Hey Akemi sorry about your breakfast. I was thinking about making it up to you" Sasuke said. I smirked. "Oh don't worry you already did" I said holding up his card. His eyes grew wide. "Is that my credit card?" he questioned. I nodded. "W-What did you buy?" he questioned. I smiled you'll see" said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~30 minutes later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"you bought pizza?!" he questioned. I nodded. He was about to reach for it but I swatted his hand away. "What? I paid for this pizza" he said.
"Your point?" I mocked him. He glared at me, but then something even scarier happened. He smirked. Then went upstairs. Uh-oh....  

You're a girl! ( A Sasuke Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now