Eighteenth Night *Monopoly*

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I entered my room to see Sasuke on my bed. "Sasuke are you mad?" I questioned. He looked at me and smirked. "Nope I'm just gonna get even" he said. "Stop smirking at me and tell me what you plan to do" I said. "Tell you? Now that wouldn't be fun now would it?" he said. I glared at him. He retorted with a smirk. My glare stopped when I heard the sound of pitter patter. I looked out the window. "It's raining." I said. "Raining?" he questioned. "Yeah I guess that means the date plans are canceled," I said. Sasuke pouted. "So much for our first date," he muttered. "Who knows maybe it might clear up" I said.

*on the news*
"What's the weather today Tom?" "Well Jessica it seems today will be nothing but rain. Yup thunderstorms with a chance of hail. Best stay out of this weather"

"Or not.." I said. Sasuke sighed. I thought for a second. "I have an idea ,but I'll only tell you if you promise not to get me back," I said. Sasuke thought for a second. "Fine."


"I'll trade you New York Ave for your two Railroads" I said. "Don't do it Sasuke" Ami said. I glared at her. "Don't be mad because I wouldn't trade you Boardwalk" I said. Suddenly mom walked in. "Oh Akemi! I didn't know you guys were playing monopoly can I play," she asked. Ami and I immediately said "NO!!" Her smile twitched. "Oh nonsense you two"she said. "No mom you cheat" I said. "And are a major sore loser," Ami said. "I'm offended. Sasuke do you mind if I play," she said. Sasuke shrugged. "See Sasuke doesn't mind, so I'm playing," she demanded.


Monopoly was coming to an end and so was everyone playing.
Sasuke was winning. Mom hated him for it. Ami was accusing mom of stealing from the bank. I was glaring at Sasuke because I kept landing on his place and only his. Every time I would land on his place he would say, "you just can't stay away from me can you" or something like that. I was this close from turning this game of monopoly into Kill Doctor Lucky and Sasuke would be Doctor Lucky. Suddenly the lights went out. I used my phone light and when I shined it on the monopoly I saw it was flipped over. "Really?" I said. "Mom!" Ami exclaimed. "It wasn't me" mom exclaimed. I sighed as the two argued. Sasuke on the other hand yawned. "Sleepy?" I questioned. He rubbed his eyes like a child which was the cutest thing ever. "Yeah a little. The rain makes me sleepy." he said. I patted my lap and he laid his head on it. I ran my fingers through his hair. Mom and Ami noticed this and snuck off leaving just me and him. Those evil people.... Somehow though I felt as though I was forgetting something...

~~~~~~~~~~At the movies~~~~~~~~~~

Sakura stood outside the movies soaking wet from the rain. "Where the fuck are they!" she exclaimed.

~~~~~~~~Back at Ake's house~~~~~~~~
"Hey Ake" said a voice snapping me out of thought. I looked down at Sasuke. "You know Ake you're really lucky," he said. "Oh really how?" I questioned. "Well usually if it were just the two of us in the dark, I would have jumped on you by now," he said. I turned pink. "Don't say things like that!" I exclaimed. He smirked. "But I do enjoy laying on your lap in the dark while it rains and you run your fingers through my hair," he said. I smiled while still blushing. "Actually now that I think about it. You're actually the first girl I actually let touch my hair," he said. "Oh I feel honored," I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes. He sat up and tackled me to the ground. "S-sasuke!" I exclaimed. He wrapped his arms around me as he laid on my chest. "I'm taking a nap" he said. "Wha-!" That's when he planted his lips on mine, and parted. "Goodnight Ake this was a great first date," he said before falling asleep on me. I was speechless and pink. I sighed and ran my fingers through his hair one more time. "Goodnight Sasuke"  

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