Ninth Day *The Mix Up*

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  Naruto, Sasuke, Hinata, Ami, Neji, Kiba and I were hanging at the mall together. We were all eating at the food court when we heard an annoying shreek. "Sasuke-kun, Ake-kun!" Both Sasuke and I shriveled at the sound of Sakura's voice. The pink haired girl walked up to us. But to our surprise she was here to see my sister. "Hi Ami! I need some girl advice," Sakura started. "Can you help me pick out a dress for a date I have tonight."
Something was suspicious about the way Sakura was asking. What type of girl would plan a date last minute. Let alone what type of guy would date Sakura? "Um? Sure.." Ami said. "Ami...." I started. "Take Hinata with you" I said. She looked at me and smiled. "Okay come on Hinata" she said, and with that they left.

"Ake you good?" Kiba asked me. "Yeahh.... I just feel like Sakura's up to something..." I said.


It was late at night now and Ami hasn't made it home yet. I was getting really worried now. Suddenly I heard a faint knock at the door. I rushed downstairs, and opened the door and was frightened at the sight. It was Ami. She was beaten up. "Ami what happened!" I exclaimed. "Sak-Sakura and her friends- jumped me!" she exclaimed. "What why?!" I exclaimed angrily. "I don't know after we left we met up Sakura's friends and Karin took Hinata somewhere with Ino so it was just me and Sakura. She brought me into the dressing room and said,"Don't come near her Sasuke-kun but I'm never around him!" Ami started. Tears began to stream down her face. "I told her that and she was all like I saw you walking with him to school!" she said. That's when it clicked in my head. Sakura must have saw Sasuke and I walking to school together when I was wearing that dress, but she must have confused me with Ami... So this was my fault. Either way I had to fix it and I knew exactly how....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Class apparently we have a new student please introduce yourself" the teacher said.
Sasuke, Kiba, Naruto and Neji's mouth completely dropped.

I smirked. "Hi my name Akari but you can call me Kari for short. I am Ake's older twin sister" I said.

AN: Picture up top is of Akari/Ake

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