Fourth Day *Clinic Dreams*

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  As I looked around the white school clinic I noticed a male figure asleep next to me. Sasuke.... Though I was enraged that he was the reason I was in this situation in the first place, I could help but feel happy that he waited here for me to wake up. Then I remembered the situation in the lunch room that was again his fault... I sighed. So many rumors are gonna go by now. It was easy to ignore the fangirls but now it's gonna be hard to ignore them. They won't know whether or not to love me because I was hot or hate me because Sasuke liked me. This is gonna be very troublesome. I looked back to the sleeping Sasuke, and shook him slowly awake.

"Sasuke~Sasuke wake the fuck up~" I sang. His eyes slowly opened and he yawned stretching. He looked at me blankly. He must still be half asleep. He smirked at me still with his half awake eyes. "Don't smirk at me! I am very angry with you," I said with my arms crossed. Sasuke cocked his head to the side confused but still had that smirk on his face. "What are you talking about?" he mused. "What do you mean what am I talking about I mean what you did at lunch!" I exclaimed. That's when his smirk increased and he leaned closer towards me. "Ake? Why do you think you're in the clinic?" Sasuke asked very amused. "Huh?" I questioned. "The reason you are in the school clinic is that on your way to lunch you tripped down the stairs trying to get away from your fangirls" Sasuke explained. Huh!?! I thought back trying to remember. Does that mean that lunch room scene was all a dream.

Sasuke laid his head down on my lap. "What do you think happened?" he asked. My cheeks burned red. I quickly turned away. "N-Nothing!" I scoffed. Sasuke laughed not believing me at all. "Were you dreaming about me?" he continued. My cheeks got redder. "No! Of course not!" I said pushing him off me. "Now if you'll excuse me I-!!" I stopped as pain shot through my head. "owwwww" I muttered. Sasuke supported me. "Don't be in such a hurry. I'm just messing with you." Sasuke said. I glared at him. He only smirked. "Come on I'm driving you home before your sister kills me," he said. "Home? What about school?" I questioned. "School ended 3 hours ago," he said. "3 hours!" I exclaimed. I then again thought about how he waited here for me. I smiled. "Why are you so happy all of a sudden?" he asked. "Nothing~" I sang in happiness.
He smirked. "You're weird" he said. "But that's why you love me," I smirked. He smirked back saying. "Yea"  

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