Second Day *Itachi's house*

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~Next Day after school~

Ami and I are on our way to her friends house she had mention yesterday. What was the guy's name hmmmm.... I can't quite remember.
"Ami~ What was your little friends name who's house I'm going to?" I asked. "Itachi... Ake. His name is Itachi. Geez for the older one you sure are absent minded," she said. "Absent mindedness has nothing to do with age," I retorted. "That doesn't help your case," Ami said. "And what does that mean?" I exclaimed. "Nothing~~~" she sang. Why did I feel like I was being insulted. I sighed and soon after the car stopped. "We're here," Ami said. "Wow such a pretty house," I admired. "Itachi does seem like the motherly type," Ami commented. "Huh? Motherly?" I questioned.
We walked together and knock on the door. "Hey Ami I have an idea," I said. Both Ami and I loved playing tricks on people even if we were opposites. "What if you hide behind me and once Itachi sees me thinking it's you he will be shocked and confused." I said. Ami smirked evilly which meant she agreed. She hid behind me and soon the door opened. My eyes went wide and I yelped.
"Sasuke! What are you doing here?" I exclaimed. "Last I remembered you were knocking at my door," he said bluntly.
"Surpri-" Ami stopped once she saw it wasn't Itachi.
"You live here?" I questioned.
"I knew your friend yesterday looked strangely similar to Itachi, and Itachi did say he had a little brother. I guess I should have made the connection," Ami thought out loud.
"Now who's the Absent minded one," I muttered.
"What was that," Ami exclaimed.
"Nothing~ little sister~" I cheered.
"Your here to see Itachi," Sasuke questioned.
Ami and I stopped glaring at each other and looked to him and nodded.
Sasuke sighed and let us in.
Ami whispered to me, "so is that him?"
"hmmmmmm?" I questioned.
"the boy you like. You still haven't told me who it was? " she said.
" you're the fortune cookie you figure it out, " I muttered.
" so that means there is someone, " she gleamed.
" no there isn't so drop it," I exclaimed.
"if u two are done arguing my brother is in the kitchen if you need him, " Sasuke said.
It bothered me now. Him showing up in my dream like that. He said he knew my secret but what secret. That I'm a girl I wasn't really hiding it much or that I "like" him.
I was conflicted.
I followed Ami into the kitchen and there we saw a tall male figure. Not to mention highly attractive cooking dinner.
I don't know where Ami found him but I want one. Itachi noticed us and waved. "Yo Ami and you must be Ami's sister." Itachi said.
Did he actually say sister. At least someone knows I'm a girl. I cheered to myself. "I told him before hand, so don't get too happy," Ami said.
Almost immediately my parade was over.
I glared at her.
"So Itachi I heard my little sister likes some guy named Sasori, " I added.
I could feel my sister's sinister glare on me.
" I never said I liked him, " Ami fumed.
"ohhhh that's two bad because it was confirmed today that Sasori liked you," Itachi explained.
"he..... He likes me? " Ami questioned. I could see the redness in her cheeks. I laughed a little how cute.
Itachi just nodded to confirm.
" awwwww look she's all red, " I teased.
Time passed as we all hung out. I wondered though why Sasuke's didn't come hang out with us. Then 
Ami noticed my wondering and whispered to Itachi something. Why did I feel like they were planning.
That's when Itachi yelled for Sasuke. "Oi! Sasuke's come here." I was confused at what she was planning.
She just smiled at me. Sasuke's walked into the room. "yess?" he asked half halfheartedly. "I need you and Ake to go to the store and pick up a couple of things," Itachi said. I was kinda a little slow and it took me a while to register was going on. Then it hit me. "why do I have to go!?" I exclaimed. "for support in case something goes wrong," Ami answered.
"I actually have to go home, " I said getting up. " great Sasuke's can drop you, " both Ami and Itachi said simultaneously. My eye twitched.
I looked to Sasuke's for help. He walked past me with the keys in his hand. "hurry up let's go baka," Sasuke said before walking out.
My eye twitched he was completely dumb to what they were planning but I knew they wanted me together with him. Because she thinks I like him. Do I like him..... No that's not the problem now. The problem is its gonna be hard to face him after that dream I had about him. Oh gosh that dream.
I sighed to myself and followed Sasuke out.
Let the awkwardness begin......    

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