Third Day *Busted?*

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  Sasuke and I arrived at Naruto's house. When we got there I was kinda nervous. I've never been in a house with so many guys before.
Sasuke knocked on the door then glanced at me. "What's wrong with you?" Sasuke asked."N-nothing I just don't hang out with many guys this often," I said. He raised an eyebrow at me. "You're really weird you know that" Sasuke said. I was about to say something back but the door opened. "Sasuke! Ake! Come in," Naruto said. Me and Sasuke walked in. There I saw Neji, Kiba, Shikamaru, Choji, and Lee. They were playing CS:GO. Need I say they sucked at it.

"Geez Ake you're good at this game" Naruto said. I let out a laugh. "Ha ha yeah I guess" I said. "Hold on I'm about to log in really quick. I'm about to do a case unboxing" I said. "Really right now!? We're in trouble here" Kiba exclaimed. "Correction you're in trouble " I said. He glared at me. I logged into my account, and did a quick Chroma Case."Hey Ake can you come here real quick," Neji called from in the kitchen.
I sighed and got up from my chair walking to the kitchen. Neji was in the kitchen making some food. That's really all he does for the guys cause Neji doesn't game. "Yes?" I questioned. "How long do you plan on pretending to be a guy?" Neji asked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "The guys still think you're a guy." Neji said. "That's not my fault they assumed I was a guy by the way I dressed" I said. "Then fix it" he said. "Fine I will! I'll do it right now" I said walking out the kitchen. As I walked out the kitchen the tension change. Everyone was crowding around the computer I was using. What's going on? They all turned to me.I look around at the shocked faces of my friends. Silence was among us. That's when Sasuke broke the silence. "You're... a girl?" My eyes went wide at their words. How did they-! My profile has my gender on it! I couldn't speak. Their face didn't look angry just shocked. That's when I looked at Sasuke's face and my heart sank. He looked disappointed. I backed away and ran out the house. Why did I run. Why were they so disappointed. Why did I want to cry so much.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sasuke's House~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Itachi and I were hanging out playing Monopoly. Yes two man Monopoly. That's when Sasuke walked through the door. I couldn't read his face but it sure wasn't happy. "Sasuke what took you so long." Itachi asked. "We went to Naruto's house" Sasuke said. "Then where's Ake?" I questioned. "She went home" was all he said before walking away. My eyes went wide. He just said she. "Itachi thank you for having me but I think I have to go" I quickly said. He understood completely. "Go" he said. I quickly left. This isn't good at all.

I sighed as I laid down in my bed. I heard the door downstairs open and close. "Ake" a voice called. It sounded like Ami. I didn't answer though. She soon came up to my room. "Ake? Are you okay?" Ami asked. I sat up from my bed. "Yeah I'm fine" I said. "Ake.... I know what happened." she said. I didn't say anything so she continued. "You're not a different person whether you are a guy or a girl" Ami said. "You didn't see the look on their faces... " I said. On his face.... "It's not even like I was hiding the fact that I was a girl in the first place! They assumed I was a guy! I tried to tell them but no one listened." I exclaimed. Ami didn't know what to say to that. "So what are you going to do?" Ami asked. "I'm a start dressing like a girl," I simply said. "Are you sure!?" Ami questioned. ".....Yeah I might as well my 'secret' will be out tomorrow anyways." I said.
Ami sighed. "I support your decision. no matter what" she said. And with that she left.
But will I support my own decision....

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~~~~~~~

I awoke to the sound of rain. It was a soothing sound. I got up from my bed. I woke up earlier than my alarm clock. It didn't matter though. I sighed and got ready. I had to admit even though I was uncomfortable wearing a dress, I still looked cute. I grabbed my umbrella and hurried out the house.

That's when she realized her car wasn't there. She looked at her phone to see a text from Ami.
It read: Ake I borrowed your car hope you don't mind because I kinda missed the bus. Love you!
I sighed. "Well guess I'm walking," I said as I started walking to school.

Sasuke POV
I sighed as I was walking to school. The one day it rains is the one day Itachi had to have work.. I really need my own car. My mind began to wonder towards yesterday. I can't believe Ake is a girl. My thoughts were interrupted by a girl walking. She looked cute. I smirked. Hey wait is that Ami? No wait that's Ake! Why is she doing wearing something like that. She probably thinks we told everyone her secret. I smirked. We can't have her secret blown.

I groaned. It was so cold and my dress kept blowing in the wind. Worse day to wear a dress ever! I sighed. Then I was suddenly tapped on the shoulder. I turned and my eyes went wide. "Sasuke! What are you doing here?" I exclaimed.He had a sly smirk on his face. "I could ask you the same thing," he said. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. He looked at my dress. "What in the world are you wearing?" he questioned as his smirk grew wider. "It's a dress," I said turning away from him. I heard a laugh escape his lips. "You look cute." I heard him say. My eyes went wide. "Really?" I questioned. A blush can be seen on my face. "Sure, but guys don't normally wear dresses," he said. I was confused. He smirked even more. "I convinced the guys to keep your secret," he said. A smile formed on my face. "Come on I think I have some guy clothes you can change into at my house." he said as he walked. "Sasuke," I said. "hmm?" he questioned. "Thank you" I said. He smirked again. "Don't thank me. You owe me" he said. "What do you mean owe you?" I questioned. He turned to face me. He grabbed me by my chin. His face was so close to mine. "You're gonna be my girl friend," he said.

Sakura POV
Me and the girls walked to school. I stopped once I saw Sasuke. He was with some girl. "Is that Ake?" Ino asked. "What are you stupid Ake is a guy that must be his sister Ami." Karin said. "I don't care who it is why is she near my Sasuke-kun" I said. "We can't have Ake's sister take away my Sasuke-kun!"  

You're a girl! ( A Sasuke Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now