Twentieth Day *Jealousy*

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Sasuke was in the shower and I was secretly packing his bags to leave. Since today is Sunday, that means he's leaving today and he might pull some bs about wanting to stay longer. NOPE! He will leave even if I have to kick him out myself. Why I want him to leave you ask? (I never asked why do you keep doing that?) Because since I do the chores in the house I have to do his as well. Sasuke steals my food whenever I cook it for myself, I want to sleep in my bed again, and if I have to see his draws on my bedroom floor one more time I might kill someone. I sighed and not to mention his flirting. I swear he's like a horny dog.

Suddenly arms wrapped around my waist. I yelped. It was him. "Just what are you doing with my clothes?" He questioned. "Nothing just packing them nice and neatly" I said. "I hope you know I am not leaving anytime soon right" he said. "Bullshit you are leaving today! There is school tomorrow" I said. "I came prepared." He said. "No you are leaving. I want my bed back, I want to eat my own food and I want to not be cautious 24/7 about being sexual assaulted," I said. He then plopped on my bed. "Sounds like a personal problem," he said. I glared at him. "You know what fine!" I said. I began packing some GUY clothes and heading out. "Wait where are you going?" He asked. "Out" I said leaving. I started my car and left. Where I went to you ask? (No...) To the only other place I called home. I knocked on the door and Itachi answered. "Akemi? What are you doing here?" Itachi questioned. "I'm here to spend the night!" I exclaimed happily. "Spend the night but I thought Sasuke was sleeping over at your house?" He asked. I pushed passed him. "Exactly" I said. Itachi caught on. "Well you can just sleep in Sasuke's room," he pointed. I nodded and walked upstairs. I opened Sasuke's door and I immediately was nervous. I never slept in Sasuke's room before. I set my bag down on his bed and got a phone call. The ID said Sasuke. I rolled my eyes and put on a guy voice. 

"Hello Ake here" I said.

"really?" He questioned.
"What's up Sasuke" I said.
"Akemi where are you?" He asked.
"Akemi? Well I don't know where she is" I said.
I heard him give a frustrated sigh.
"Fine Ake where are you" he said.
"Nowhere in particular, but I'm going to have to call you later I have school tomorrow," I said.
"Akemi don't you dare hang u-"

Sasuke POV
I grunted angrily as she hung up. Wait she said Ake had school tomorrow she wouldn't dare dress like him would she?


~~~~~~~~next day~~~~~~~~~

I opened my locker and many get well cards fell out. Some for Akari and others for Ake like jeez I've only been absent for a few days. I pushed past them and grabbed my books. I closed my locker and was scared when I saw Sasuke behind it. "Oh good morning Sasuke." "Don't goodmorning me do you know how worried I was about you yesterday?" he said. "Me? Why would you be worried about me" I questioned. He noticed I was Ake. He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "I will kiss you in front of everyone with you like that." He was about to kiss me when Sakura walked up. I quickly pulled Sasuke into a nuggie. "Hahaha you are so funny Sasuke". Sasuke glared at me. "Good Morning Ake and Sasuke" she said. "Morning Sakura" I said letting Sasuke go. "Hn" Sasuke said. "Ake is your sister here today?" Sakura asked. "Um I don't think so" I said. Sasuke then smirked and walked over to Sakura. "Hey Sakura wanna go for a walk?" He asked. I looked at him confused and he only smirked evilly. Oh okay I see what hes doing hes trying to make me jealous. Fine Mr. Uchiha I can play that game too. I ran into a nearby janitor's closet and changed into Akari.

I walked up to Itachi and asked him to do a favor and he smirked nodding.


Itachi and I were walking hand and hand. We passed Sasuke and he definitely noticed me change back into Akari and then he noticed me and Itachi holding hands. He gave me a confused look and I replied with a smirk like he did. He glared at me and walked away.

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