Thirteenth Day *Plot?*

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  Akemi POV

So right now I was Akemi the "guy". This switching back and forth thing was a lot more work than anticipated.
"I told you I didn't like this" Sasuke said. "Shush you! You weren't saying that when you were kissing my lips," I said. Sasuke looked around to make sure no one heard that. "Don't go around shouting that!" Sasuke exclaimed. "Look who's telling who not to shout," I said.He growled. I smiled. He was upset cause I was Ake for like ten days in a row so he hasn't gotten any kissy-kissy in a while.

I told the teachers my plan too ,but they said my consequences would be that I had to do double homework. So therefore I'm making Sasuke help me.

"Has Sakura made any moves yet?" Sasuke asked. "Umm... not technically.. she's been glaring at me but she hasn't really said anything to me yet." I said. Almost as if on que the devil herself walks up to us. "Hey Sasuke-kun, Ake-kun. Whatcha doing?" she asked. "Just some homework. What do you want?" I asked in the 'nicest' way I could. "Weeeeeeeeeell can I talk to you for a second?" she asked. "Sure" I smirked. I got up from the table and followed her. Sasuke just sat there annoyed as her other two friends fangirled over Sasuke. "So what did you need?" I asked. "Well it's just your sister..." she started. "Which one?" I asked. "Akari! She keeps talking to Sasuke..... I'm afraid that she might end up hurt by one of his fans." she said. I wanted to roll my eyes soooo bad. "My sister is a strong girl she isn't one to be taken down so easily. Besides she really likes Sasuke ,so I think I'll leave it to her to decide" I said with a smile. I could see Sakura's smile twitch. "R-right....Well do you know when I can talk to her?" she asked. "I don't know cause I know her and Sasuke are going on a date to the Movies Saturday so..... she might be busy" I thought. "Oh! Well that's okay!" she said as she quickly ran off. I smirked. 'she took the bait' I thought. I went back to Sasuke and he was still laying there boredly; Sakura's goons were gone. "Heyyyy Sasuke" I said. "Why are you so happy?" he muttered. "Because I just heard you and Akari are going on a date this Saturday," I smiled. Almost as if he were an excited dog, he perked up. "Finally!"he said. I couldn't help but laugh. "Wait where?" he asked. "Movies" I said. "Can't wait" he said. "I bet" I smirked. He rolled his eyes. "Well then let me spend the night since it is the weekend" he said. "No" I said strictly. "What? Come on I've never been to your house before," he said. "Fine.." I muttered.


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