Forest of Confusion

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"I am here to see Melody Russell," an official-looking mailman told my mom at the door. She looked doubtful, just like how I felt, but brought him inside anyway. Tara also looked dumbfounded but decided to go back to her makeup.

I opened my eyes wide and asked, "What do you want?" I knew it was rude, but at that point, I was feeling in not-the-best mood.

"Melody, I have to tell you something," the mailman said. As if this conversation could get any slower! I prompted, "Yes?", hoping he would take the hint and move on to what he really wanted to tell me.

"Here's a letter, and if you choose to go, you may come with either me or Natasha. Terra Meridian is waiting," he replied, and flew away--wait, what?! That was not scientifically possible, and I knew that even though I hated science. I turned to Mom and Tara, wondering if they'd seen anything, but Mom had already driven to work and Tara was in the bathroom putting on makeup. How is lipstick going to change anything?

This is what the letter said, surprisingly:

Welcome, Harmony, Melody, Charlotte, Collin or Luke,

All five of you are chosen to join our wonderful members in Terra Meridian. ((Yes))/(No) (circle one) If you say no, you will go on with life as it is, and regret the choice you make. At least I would, because if you chose yes, you are going to be welcome to the most wonderful place in the world, TM! For Terra Meridian.

Just to know specifically who is saying yes or who is saying no, circle above AND write over here:

Harmony: Yes



Collin: No

Luke: Yes

Just so you know, this letter is going to be used multiple times, so hand it back to either Garrett or Natasha, whichever one is your messenger, and they will evaluate it. Now, we figured we owe you an explanation.

All of you represent a different creature in TM, and you all were sent to the human world to make peace there. However, since this letter is to be given to you on your eleventh half-birthday, you had only eleven-and-a-half years. Don't worry if you failed your mission, many from TM have failed before you.

Harmony represents fairies.

Melody represents mermaids.

Charlotte represents nymphs and nature spirits.

Collin represents werewolves.

And Luke represents elves.

If you are not happy with what you represent, then you may say no. If you are happy, however, I see no reason for you to say no.

Wish you good luck!

The Terra Meridians Peace Team

Nice trickery there, but there was no way they could expect me to believe a peace of junk like that. To make the case more funny though, and if this were real it would be my answer, I circled yes and wrote yes in Melody's square. I noticed there were three circles around yes now and one circle around no...I shook my head.

"Good choice, Melody! Now, if your family will excuse me, I must bring you to Terra Meridian," Garrett was his name, I guess, the mailman, exclaimed. My jaw dropped, because there was no way this could be real.

"So is my dad, like, a merman or something?" I asked sarcastically, rolling my eyes. Garrett jumped up.

"In fact, yes, he was! You know, you are my first client out of two to say yes, so I'm extremely proud for you!" Garrett replied, and took my arm (which was more than slightly disturbing). "Melody, get ready for it!" he cried.

He flew up, with me holding on for dear life on his arm. I gulped, because I was terrified of heights, and Garrett only scared me more when he yelled over the wind, "There's a reason you're scared of heights, but unfortunately, this is the only way to Terra Meridian from the human world, so deal with it!"

"Does this have to do with the fact that I'm half-mermaid?" I yelled back, looking at where my house had been just a few minutes ago. Garrett laughed, "That's all it has to do with, are you seriously asking?"

Before I could say that yes, I was seriously asking, Garrett dropped down. It had only been like five minutes, yet I could already see that I was not in Earth's universe. There were no stars, no moon, only lanterns, and it was already dark out. We landed in a wide hallway, and a woman peered out the corner.

"Welcome to Terra Meridian, Melody," the woman, whom I later learned was the queen, welcomed me.

"Wait, what?!"


A/N: Thanks Alisha, even though this book is dedicated to my best friend Melody :) By the way, if you're reading this, follow book_monster101 please! If there are grammatical errors that's my slow computer's fault :(

This is the author, editing from the future! I know the first chapter was a bit hard to survive, so here's a good chap for you! If you stay tuned, that is, which you prob won't 'cause of the crummy 1st chapter :(


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