The First Kiss

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"Take me to 449 Voires Boulevard stat," I ordered the next unfortunate bus driver to come by the entrance of Versoir Mall and Food Court. After a refreshing dinner of an In-N-Out double cheeseburger - one, I was really hungry, and two, YES, Terra Meridian has In-N-Outs and double cheeseburgers too! Would you expect an alienated planet, nearly another dimension, to NOT have double cheeseburgers? If you would, you need to check with your doctor - I'd decided to reunite with Ryan as quickly as possible. Oh, and Katie too (true love always beats friendships).

"Sure, miss. On Bus 34, not this one," the rude bus driver replied, shutting the doors in my face.

Then he drove away, leaving me standing in the dust.

I took my box axle out of my canvas bag. I'd almost forgotten about it. I needed it to get to Ryan!

"449 Voires Boulevard, Etoiles Resort-Verid and Spa, on the triple," I told my axle hurriedly, and sped through the beautiful Calaisian countryside. Etoiles's website was right; Calais really did have its own culture, somehow.


The box axle arrived at the hotel after exactly two minutes. I guess that was the fastest it could go, which I was partly thankful for, because I wanted to look perfect when facing Ryan.

I thought you didn't care about your looks.

I really don't have time for you, subconscious. Look, I need to get back to Ryan and Katie as fast as possible.

Oh, okay. I wouldn't want to get in the middle of a budding romance. Good luck, and tootles!

Why do you always say "tootles"? Never mind, subconscious, please DO NOT answer that.

"MELODY'S HERE!" Katie yelled, meeting me outside. "Way to be subtle," I replied sarcastically.

"STFU," she retorted lamely, and Ryan immediately ran out to the hotel's front steps to see me.

"Hey Melody," he greeted me shyly, and I realized with a start that he wasn't calling me "Mel" anymore.

"Ry," I smirked. "Let me guess - you chose this place especially because 'etoiles' meant 'stars'?"

"Sorry, Mel, but it turns out the Internet is really useful when it comes to French," Ryan replied, smiling so wide but trying his best possible to hide it. "So, is all that a new outfit?"

"Yeah, I just got it," I answered, surprised he'd even noticed. I'd thought Katie would find out first.

"Guys, guys, I know both of you want to kiss under the so-called 'etoiles,' but we have a purpose for meeting, right?" Katie asked dramatically, causing both me and Ryan to blush.

"There's an astronomy tower here too, Katie," I said, keeping a calm face while my heart beat at the speed of light. Ryan looked strangely at me, like, How did you know that, Melody?

"Don't look so surprised, Ryan," Katie rolled her eyes at him, "and yes, Melody, I do know that."

"Why aren't you calling us nicknames?" I asked curiously.

"Because I hate both of you guys. Now, are you coming?" Katie smiled, almost...pleasantly. Except for the fact that she was in her werewolf form, of course, but a smile like this from Katie was almost like an "I love you" from Ryan.

I seriously have lovesick problems sometimes.

Times like now.

"Yeah, we'll meet you," Ryan said, his eyes drifting away from mine. I hate to admit I was disappointed.

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