Getting to McKenzie

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"I got special news in the mail today - we're going to visit McKenzie!" I burst into our verid room, yelling.

"Really?" Katie asked, dismayed and definitely unimpressed. "I'm not interested."

"Just because she kissed Everett?" I teased.

"Yes!" Katie replied.

"OK, but that's no reason not to go visit her at least, especially when she sent such a nice letter to us," Ryan agreed with me.

"You're only agreeing with her because you guys kissed underwater yesterday," Katie rolled her eyes.

"So?" I challenged her.

"Nothing, never mind," Katie sighed.

"But we're going, no matter what," I ordered, "so uppity-up, let's get dressed and visit! McKenzie sent this special device that Jeffrey Nunez invented, which can travel to Earth and back without a galaxy-flyer."

"Nice," Katie said in a monotone voice.

"Sure is!" I said, ignoring her sarcasm. "It's the first, last, and only one on BOTH planets! How amaze-balls is that? And it'll take us right to the Atlantic Ocean - or Pacific, whatever - if we tell it too!"

"So it's like a newer, improved version of the box system?" Ryan asked excited, almost jumping.

"Yep," I answered.

"Cool!" he said childishly.

"You are childish," I observed, agreeing with what Katie had said last night.

"Oh, shut up," he glared at me.

"But omigosh, I can't wait to finally see McKenzie Crawford again, this time as Queen of Earth's Seven Seas!" I cried, flopping down onto Katie's bed. I landed with only a small "Oof, get off me!" from Katie.

"Yeah, because she's your best friend," Katie stated the obvious.

In truth, yes, I couldn't wait to see my best friend again as A QUEEN OF THE OCEAN. I mean, that's a big title!

"McKenzie was pretty nice. Though not really pretty," Ryan shrugged, smiling warmly at me.

"Huh," Katie let out a very un-ladylike snort.

So, what did the letter say?

Well, since you aren't annoying me, subconscious, I'll tell you.


Hey guys!

Can you visit me in Hawker Estuary? Even with Everett and being queen and stuff, not much trouble has been going around, so it's getting kind of boring in this lavish palace. There's something Jeffrey Nunez invented on the side that can get you there, if you choose to visit.

We could go to La Charlemagne Frances again, if you liked it. Though I found this really nice Indian place called Tandoori Grill, so we could go there and I'll gladly show you around.

I just found out my mom was dead. It's okay though, don't feel too sorry for me, because I just got the news from a distant cousin of mine and he said that the look on her face was pretty content, and a note was in her hand saying she had accomplished everything her life was meant for.

Either that was a suicide note, or Kells (a Terra Meridian goddess) took her life because of it.

But on a happier note, I finally got a castle and Everett says that the public feed for ME, McKenzie Crawford, was pleasant and I could count on my subjects not revolting any time soon.

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