The reality of my soul

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"I really hate facing reality
I'd give the world every piece of me
But I can't speak in poetry
To someone who never wrote to survive
I wish nature could devour me
I'd be so ashamed to die
And have no story left behind
I'd be so terrified to face my soul
And recognize I wasted my life purpose
How couldn't I be afraid of me
When I'm the most powerful
and capable person I know.
I am red, and I am alive
But I want to be blue and in between
I want to confront life
And confess my love for it
But I'm afraid of rejection
Of existing but not living
I fear myself and all the unburned feelings inside of me
I never understood the reality of my soul
Nor the reality of the world we live in
Maybe one day I will."

The poetry of my unspoken realm Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum