Like if I were in love

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If you were a willow on the shore
I would become a river at your shadow
From the clearest skies
From the most divine dreams
You flew like a flower in the wind
You came down to earth
For the love of the fallen gods
And of unseen wonders
You with your gentle eyes
And with the delicacy of silk
From my desire in my mind
You came to wake me up
Like a starry night
Like the cold wind on black clouds
Like the silent and bright moon,
Like dense forests at night
And like the sea at sunset when
Paradise is reflected
In Aphrodite's birth of life
That's how your soul is
My light.
Like the holy mysteries
And the unspoken words
Like forgotten regrets
And like old songs.
Why, oh, beautiful being
You chose to sit and watch
Into my eyes brown as the earth
When in yours, heaven is found.
You are beautiful,
you will always be
Immortal in spirit
With your sweetest smile
With your finest touch
My skin burns when I feel you
With the warmth of your breath
When it falls on my lips
And I don't have the courage to breathe.
Oh, my wonder
Stay forever like this
I feel like if I were in love
I'm ready to accept it
As my rebounding truth.
And I don't want anything more.

The poetry of my unspoken realm Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum