Adventure for an old friend

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What turns into knowledge
when the soul is gone,
when your life dies?
Your life is like all the stars together
if they would explode and kiss the ocean with crushed gold ash.
it's like an eternal illusion
you refuse to wake up from.
I understand that i'm singing it,
but you wouldn't imagine
how it feels to taste from the soul.
To be able to do it,oh,could you?
Don't waste your time,
fly with me into the depths of the earth,
and crawl alone
to the rings of an existing planet.
If you refuse,
I don't want to see you anymore.
Your soul has been emptied of dreams and pure desire.
This adventure is not for us to share.

The poetry of my unspoken realm Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum