Subtle Joy exploration

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I'm very well educated on stuff I made up
I hum my invented songs so beautifully
I fill my books
with non-sense notes about scenes
I hug and kiss trees
I aspire to plant flowers in my garden
I bake without recipes
I only swim alone in the sea
I forget all the lessons during the test
I don't break hugs
I play with my bracelets
I dance on the street
I stay still to taste the rain
I love cats and babies
I always smile at them
I hang out with Mother Nature
I do my homework in the last minute
I move too much in my sleep
I speak too loud when I'm excited
I laugh too much at bad jokes
I love with all my heart forever
I sink in my morning cups of hot milk
I brush my dark hair
and wish for it to grow longer
I lose my mind once in a while
I am thirsty for knowledge
'Cause you can never be
curious enough in this life
Never forget about
The subtle everyday joys
That makes you who you are.

The poetry of my unspoken realm Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum