infinite useless possibilities

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And it's pretty crazy
when you think about this
because, for example,
you could look at the moon
and see it as something
so huge and far away...
but it's also a small part
of something bigger ,
a small piece of a much larger whole.
And something that would be classified
as an emotion included in our world
and being so similar,
even though it doesn't have a form,
there is something about it
that is so... abstract and inexplicable.
It's almost as if the idea itself
is a form of consciousness...
something that exists beyond
our understanding as humans.
But maybe that's the whole point.
The real madness is how you could live,
and not even think about all these things, not even once, and still
have the happiest life.
So if this is possible,
knowing these things is not necessary.
So why is it? Why does it exist?
Like in school,
why do we learn this thing
if we are not going to apply it in life?
So meaningful, yet so useless?
Or maybe it's just that
there are infinite possibilities,
and that's it.

The poetry of my unspoken realm Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum