My sister

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I'm in awe and disbelief
When a long time ago
I ceased to believe
That we could be again.
That our souls would reconnect
All sincerity,no debts for the past
That's all I ever longed for
Not objective, nor afraid.
I remember that summer day
When my young eyes first met yours
My shyness for the unknown
Hiding behind your favorite rose bush to be.                                                                                   
My innocence couldn't comprehend
The cruelty that life might have had then
But you took my hand in yours
And the only thing I knew for sure
Is that you will forever be my sister.
Different blood runs through our veins
You tried to answer
all the questions I ever had
now we are family.
You made me grateful for love
Grateful for music
Late night car rides
Swimming together
Eating our comfort food
Staying up all night during the summer.
You showed me how to be a woman
Told me the story of the world
More loving than my mother
You protected me like a father
We shared,we cried,we lived
I could never say goodbye
To all of our memories
Your sweet smile,etheric hugs
In heaven,I'd keep you close to me
You're the angel I never realized I had
In my dreams,you came there
Telling me that we will be again.
My hardened frozen heart,
In time has melted under your care
Now I have a light inside of me
Like the sunshine in your eyes
When we spoke about life under my willow.
I'd feel like home wherever you are
I have hope in my soul now
One day we will meet again
And remember all we've done
We'll laugh and cry together
I'll be a woman like you are
I'll fight and love just like you do.
When I'll succeed in life
And achieve all the dreams
That I told you about
Since I was a little girl,
I'll always remember how you praised me
I'll always know how much you love me
Now I know that I will always have
Someone who is proud of me
No matter which path I choose.
You have been there for me since forever
And I shall do it too when you'll need me.
My dear friend,my loved soul
You will always be my sister.

The poetry of my unspoken realm Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum