Ars longa,vita brevis

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Your eyes are brown
And they give me
Bittersweet dreams.
Until my shadow
Turns to sun rays
I will bother all
That is left
Of what I once thought
Was the feeling
Of being alive.
Forever is a long time
And I'm not afraid of it.
How could I be
Frightened by the ocean
When I long for the waves
To caress my curves?
How could the Sun
Leave me blind
When I keep gazing at it
To heal my soul?
Now I know why love
Is infinite.
Everything has its beauty
And value
Only because
It is meant to end.
But what you love
Never dies.
It keeps you alive forever
Living in a fool's paradise
But it becomes
A part of you.
You are the mosaic
Of everything
And everyone
You've ever loved.
As long as you love
Your soul will never
Choose to die.
You will keep waking up
Reliving the feeling
That mentains you breathing
The one that makes
the blood in your veins
Pump euphorically.

The poetry of my unspoken realm Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum