The heart's indecision

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I have completely lost
the knowledge of my infinite love,
now you are a stranger to me.
And even if time didn't exist,
I would not look at you,
I would not breathe in your perfume,
I would tear you apart from me
And I would die of longing and bitterness. Because this is how I was destined.
Not to have you,
to make you go away,
to love you, and without intention,
to lose you.
Rose without shame
And suffocated apathy
The passion still burns,
But the soul is frozen.
what an enigma,
what a nonchalance.
Such slander calamity teases me
And proposes to rekindle our flame,
But why, how, and since when
you do anything you want with me?
take my soul,
take my everything,
I only want you.

The poetry of my unspoken realm Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum