Puzzle pieces

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I sat down a little with myself, and I realized that to see what life is through the eyes of myself only,that would cure me for a while.

Sometimes, I wonder if there is something bigger out there,
pulling the strings of our lives
and controlling our destiny.
Like we're all just pieces of a bigger puzzle.
But I guess it's all just a matter of perspective.
At the end of the day, we're all trying to make sense of our own individual stories.
But what if we actually are that?
A perfectly created puzzle that wasn't even a puzzle,
it was a perfect, complete picture,
but just like an immortal mind,
something passed,something happened,
and it wasn't time. It was something else. There to affect it, so it created something different,something unique,
it broke into pieces, and now
you know about it.
And it's almost as if the pieces were never there.
They're non-existent, invisible,
trying to come back together again and again.
constantly new until they lose their minds.
And they are just pieces of the puzzle.
I am nothing, and yet I am everything,
I am everywhere in the unknown and in the whole world.
That's how we are, that's why life is like that.
We are little puzzles, trying to complete ourselves with pieces that don't fit.
Until we put them together.
And for that, you have to be brave, but is it worth it?
And I'm not trying to say that we
should look at things from a perspective
of how everything is connected
like a game of dominoes,
to see the whole picture bigger than it seems.
Because what is this after all?
What if it was small, like when you look at the moon,
you look around you
and many things seem much bigger,
because the moon is so far away,
but the world is so close.
it doesn't even have a form.
It doesn't even exist,
but the irony is that even with that,
it is still something.

The poetry of my unspoken realm Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum