Observing the morning

12 6 0

"nourished by shortcuts of madness,
could you perhaps show me the way?
I feel an established breath of consciousness, like a tribal dawn
through which the sun passes,
like moving the arcanas
of ancient illusions and hopes.
I look at the trees,and they seem stronger
and more sacred to me
with every day that passes.
I feel that I am about to issue an oracle,
like the jam of red roses,
the sweetest,rarest things in the world.
I can almost touch them,
I can feel it all caresing my soul,
and all this without knowing
that behind the mystery
a rope of affection awaited.
Let me laugh and forget.
Today, I want to be a collector
of all of my hidden desires.
Hearing things as beautiful
as the wind against my body
is not a learning in vain."

The poetry of my unspoken realm Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum