58 : suffocate

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Jaeyun lost hope. He can't find her anywhere. There's no hint about Hyejin, even her friends don't know any clue. She just missing in a blink of an eye.

After informed her parents, they also trying to find Hyejin. They said, Hyejin needs time before she come back home. He tried to ask more about her but her parents told him to calm down.

Jaeyun lost his appetize and skipped every meals. He can't stop thinking about Hyejin. What is she doing now? Where's she had been hiding? He feels like a strong deja vu with this situation.

“I lost you once, don't make me lost you again, darl.” he softly whispering while staring at his bedroom ceiling.

He tried to recall what happened the day she went missing. He met Ethan and during the meantime she texted him saying she'll go out to get something. After that, Diane came and Hyejin never show up.

Jaeyun's eyes widen, “no way,” he mumbled.

“She saw us?” he stood up, finally realized the main reason of her sudden missing.

He quickly took his phone and tried to call her. No matter how many times, he will try until she answer his call. Even she'll scolding him nonstop, he don't care. As long as he can listen to her voice again.

But she didn't pick up the call. Jaeyun knows, she's somewhere near but he can't find her. He started to feel frustrated by his own feeling and didn't realized his tears flow down his cheeks.

“Please, don't do this to me. Answer my call, love. Any sign... anything that can calm me now. Please!” he ran his fingers through his hair, suffocated with the thought of longing her again.

“I'm sorry, love. Please, pick up the phone...” he pleading again while trying call her number but only voicemail enter the line.

Fuck this!

Jaeyun throw his phone somewhere, hiding his face and crying harder. He still hope some miracle happen. Suddenly, a notification appears on his phone screen and Jaeyun quickly get up and pick his phone up.

A notification from Soyoung.

good evening, mr jake

here, a resign letter from
ms. park

reject it

who says she can quit?

tell her to send it
to me properly tmr!

alright, mr jake

Jaeyun clenched his jaw, can't accept her resign letter. He brought her into the company so she have to face him first before quitting.

Meanwhile, Hyejin.

Someone knocked on the door and she turned around just to see her mom. Mrs Park smiles at her and went closer to her daughter. Her hands caressing Hyejin's hair.

“Are you sure about quitting? You don't want to meet Jaeyun again? He spent a lot of time here looking for you.” Mrs Park trying her best way to comfort Hyejin.

“No, I'm sure with my decision.” she replied with so many doubt in her heart.

Of course she knows how worried Jaeyun is. He called her everyday but she didn't pick up at all. She knows how many night he spent looking for her all alone but she was hurts.

“At least listen to him first. I believe Jaeyun has an explanation to do and all of this could be a misunderstanding.” Mrs Park pleading again and Hyejin nodded.

“Alright, I'll listen to him.” she said and Mrs Park smiles brightly. She caressed her cheeks and kiss her forehead.

“That's my girl!”

Mrs Park left her daughter room. Hyejin sighed, looking at the rejected resign letter. Soyoung said, she needs to meet him at the office first so he can accept the letter.

He always find so many ways of looking for me!

Hyejin went to her bathroom and doing her skincare routine before getting ready to bed. As she laid down on her bed and staring at the ceiling, her tears flow down her cheeks.

She miss him.

But...him and Diane?

She received a notification and her eyes widen by reading the text. It's from Jaeyun.

please come to the
office tmr

let's fix this, love

and don't torture me
like this

Hyejin put down her phone and trying to get some sleep. She spent so many night crying and decided to quit her job. She don't care if Jaeyun scold her as long as she can satisfy herself

Tomorrow won't be hard.


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in what way?

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