Chapter 3

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Billie pov : it's now halftime, and Quen is on the phone with Larry .I head off to the bathroom and soon as I open the door I see the basketball player who sat in front of me earlier . She looked at me and smiled and I went to the mirror to reapply my lip gloss. " your lip combo is everything " she said to me, smiling. Thank you and your perfume smells so good I say to her. She smiles, and says " your fit is fire and so you are pretty" . I tried to bite back a smirk and I fail . you are like gorgeous I tell her . We both laugh and smile, and it goes back silent. It was a comfortable silence. As she walked over to the bathroom door to leave she turned around" hey there's a party after the game that the teams are throwing if you want to come" she says. I look up at her and smile of course I pull out my phone and asked her to text me where the party was . in reality I just wanted her number to know who she was

Time skip to after the game

uConn lost the game. And honestly all the players weren't too happy about it .me and and quen exited the basketball court, and was walking down the hallways to find a way out when the suddenly someone bumped me so hard that I fell on the floor and bust my lip . I looked up to see a blonde tall basketball player who Ik was Paige bueckers because she is all my friend Zoe talks about . Didn't even look back and she kept walking like how fuckin rude was that quen helped me up and asked if I was ok . Was lip  was bleeding pretty bad

We were walking into the party and it was loud it was smelled of of alcohol. I looked down at my phone and seen a text it was from the basketball player from earlier  she put her name in my phone
As "Azzi💗"

Azzzi 💗
Hey lmk when you get here

lol I got this text soon as I walked in

I'm by the bar I see you look up

I see you 😭,walking over now

I turned to quen  and she was already off somewhere like wth I was texting for literally 4 seconds but I walk over to azzi and she greats me with a hug . "By the way  I forgot to tell you my name i don't know if you already know it or not " she said laughing. Well I know that your name is azzi I said with a smirk ." And I know that your name is Billie" she said to me smiling. Her smile is so pretty. We had eye contact for a second before  she handed me a drink  She count it to three and then we took the shot and burned my throat I must've made a face because she started laughing. We ended up taking 5 more shots of straight liquor completely forgetting about the chaser we were drunk then we went onto the dance floor and come through by the weekend was playing . She came up behind me and and we swayed to the beat of the song she then placed her hand on my hips making me physically as close as I can get to  her. I Turned around and looked up at her she leaned down and kissed me and I was hesitant, but I kissed her back . Her lips were so soft and gentle, and tasted like she used a vanilla cupcake Chapstick. I kiss my friends drunk all the time and for what I knew this girl was straight so I didn't really think much of the kiss we just simply stood there and made out for about a minute before we went off and took two more shots

Azzi pov:
I don't remember much from last night ,I got pretty shitfaced I remember being excited for Billie to come to the party. I have have such friend a crush on her . Like she seems cool, she was nice, and she's a really good singer  and just Swaggy I like her vibe.
I don't remember how I got back to my hotel the last thing I remember is taking shots with Billie as I heard the door open and shut really loud, causing my head to hurt really really badly I was super hung over.

An/ how are y'all liking the story so far??and the next chap will be in Paige's pov‼️

In between the two of you/ Billie Eilish  / Paige  Bueckers/azzi fuddWhere stories live. Discover now