Chapter 6

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Azzi pov :
I don't know why but I was nervous in the Uber on the way to Billie's hotel I mean she said the kiss didn't mean anything so it shouldn't be awkward I mean she is the only girl I have ever kissed but like I a friend way ofc cs she kisses all of her friends like she said which idk how I feel about that cs we had a pretty nice kiss . Wait what the hell was I saying y do I care so much it's Paige getting into my damn head
I was knocked out of my thoughts when Billie texted me

Vegan singer (Billie )
When you get here go to the front and ask for a key for the penthouse I already told them you are coming so you can just come right up

Once it get to the hotel and it was a nice one I went to the front desk " hey um I need to get a key to the penthouse " i asked the lady sitting there.  "Azzi fudd "She questioned . " yes that me "I said to her smiling. She handed me a key  . I got In The elevator the nerves got worse and my stomach started to twisted I was hoping and praying that it wouldn't be awkward . As I walked in it was huge I mean I would only expect it to be huge she is a singer . " Billie " I call out . She then came around the corner In a sports bra and some baggy jeans and smiling her smile is literally so pretty like she was just pretty and nice when she didn't have to be a lot of people when they are famous are mean . She ran up and gave me a hug and her hands went around my neck so naturally and not purposefully my hands went on her lower waist close to her butt and she jumped on me and hugged me tighter I sat her on the counter and was now standing in between her legs her hand we're still around my neck and my hand now rested on her stomach he skin was so soft she started talking but I really didn't hear her I was simply just admiring her beauty her skin was perfect and so was her face and omg her lips if I were a man I would literally pray to her she looks heavenly and she is not even wearing makeup like how and the way she smells I'm just in awe of her . I  look from her eyes to her lips and I see y I wanted to kiss her I wouldn't mind kissing her now her lips are just so and her abbs  she is just everything. how does she walk around like this " azzi are you in there " . I snap out of my thoughts " you are just so pretty" I blurt out without thinking god that might have sounded like I was flirting omg I'm fucking this up . " thank you " she said To me .she put her hands on my waist and moved me to the side and got off the counter and she left and came back with a shirt on and car keys  let's go she said grabbing my hand .we were in some type of black sports car .when we finally made it to the grocery Billie got out and opened the door for me she grabbed my hand and we walked in. We were in the section of the grocery store I never noticed or just walked past . she and I are looking in the tofu section there were a lot of types ." Billie this so random but you should get in the buggy " I tell her . She looked at me like I was crazy . " Billie just get in I'm serious " . But she just kept looking at me . Then she went to grab something but she was way to short so came up behind her and grabbed it for her she turned around and we were super close so picked her up and put her in the buggy. "Azzi omg you don't have to go throwing your strength around. I know you play basketball" Billie said while rolling her eyes . " I apologize but I'm really not sorry" I told her. we ended up being in the grocery store for about a hour and 40 minutes before heading back to the car . When we get in the car, she connects her phone to the aux cord and starts playing a song I've never heard before. The name of the song was California. It was by Lana Del Rey.
This song had a nice chill vibe and it made car ride feel so smooth. I watched as Billie started to sing

I shouldn't have done it, but I read it in your letter
You said to a friend that you wish you were doing better
I wanted to reach out, but I never said a thing
I shouldn't have done it, but I read it in your letter
You said to a friend that you wish you were doing better
I wanted to call you, but I didn't say a thing
Two, three, four

This song was so beautiful I found it weird that I've never heard it before. She has an amazing side profile, I watch as she takes out her ponytail holder, and her beautiful dark hair falls onto her back . The way she mouths the words of the song it was truly are she was truly art like a portrait I took out my phone to take a pic of her and then Paige called me I declined because I was trying to take a pic of Billie and the vibe I the car was just so good I didn't want to ruin it with a call .billie pulled into a random antique store that I've never seen before she grabbed my hand and ran in the rain into the store. Everything was mostly made of wood, She just looks so beautiful, admiring I can't help but to be in awe of her . " Billie who were we listening to in the car "
I asked her . She looked at me like I was crazy." Lana del ray......... omg please don't tell me you have never heard of Lana del ray she is like my idol I lover her so much" Billie said " I have never heard of Lana del ray but the songs you played were sooo good so I would love to hear more " I tell her . " omg azzi I can make you a playlist " Billie told me . " ok I'd love that but do you listen to cigarettes After Sex?" I questioned her .she looked at me like I was crazy. "I heard of them but I've never played there music "Billie said. " I can make you a playlist too " I said as we both laughed . Our friendship feels so intimate like when it's just me and her it's just me and her she makes me feel so special and so seen even though I haven't even known her a week . "Billie I forgot to tell you I listened to more of your music when I was on the plane " i said smiling at her . " really she said coming closer to me . But my phone rang and I put it on dnd not wanting to ruin the moment i looked back up at Billie . We were supper close and she got on her tippy toes and whispered in my ear " what song was your favorite " she said with her lips brushing my ear . I got that weird feeling in my stomach again like I had when I was going up the elevator. " I- um I- " I stuttered. "You what " Billie said to me making my stomach twist ." I liked Billie boss nova the best " I finally was able to get out and was now out of breath .she backed up and smiled "I like that one too " she said . Her voice was everything . " you wanna stay the night at my hotel " Billie asked me . " yea ofc " I said smiling. Out the corner of my eyes I seen a monopoly game and I went to grab it . " we can play this " I said. Billie ended up buying the game . we are now in the elevator back up to her penthouse, suite and Billie just looks so pretty I can't understand how she is this fine from every angle like life is not fair the elevator opens and we went to put the bags down on the table me and Billie was soken wet and I didn't really bring changing clothes. Billie took off her jacket and shirt leaving her in a sports bra and when she turned around I noticed she had a back tattoo it was just lines and it looked so good . She turned around and caught me staring at her she laughed come on she stuck out her hand for me to follow her to her room .
She opened her suitcase and gave me a long tee shirt and some huge basketball shorts without thinking I took off my shirt she turned around I laughed . We both just ended up not wearing shirts because we were about to cook .

Time skip to after cooking

Me and Billie cooked but really I mean just Billie she cooked and I watched but I did help put the cinnamon rolls in the oven now we are eating while playing monopoly she is winning "we should play music " I said ."connect your phone to the speaker " Billie said . I started playing the heavenly by cigarettes after sex . I got up and started dancing and so did Billie . She grabbed my waist and I put my hands around her neck and we danced for hours

In between the two of you/ Billie Eilish  / Paige  Bueckers/azzi fuddWhere stories live. Discover now