Chapter 5

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Azzi pov:
When we got off the plane a lot of people ran up and was taking pictures of me like wtf is going on I just stood there in shock I looked at Paige and she looked even more confused she grabbed me and started walking then I heard one of the people scream " how does it feel to kiss Billie Eilish "  then suddenly it made sense someone had to recorded me and Billie at the party this is not gonna be good what if my mom or brother or coach sees that omg what was I thinking and I haven't even had a chance to talk to Billie and apologize about this what if she hates me now because it was mostly basketball players at that party omg I need to call her but first I have to get out of this

Time skip

Me and Paige ended up running out the air port and and we finally in our dorms I go to to text Billie

HEYY ........uh this is an awkward text, but I want to apologize about the kiss  we shared at the party I was just drunk and I don't know what came over me. I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable or sexualized or just not feel good I take responsibility for that. I am sorry. Like a really sorry.

Billie 💗
Girl😂 don't have to apologize for that 😭we were both drunk it meant nothing and if it makes you feel better I kiss all my friends like seriously I'm crying laughing but I do have something important to ask you

Don't laugh at me 🙄

I'm about to call you

Incoming facetime

" girl I know you did not just call me and apologize for kissing me like that was the last thing I expected from you " Billie said basically crying laughing.

I rolled my eyes. " well my bsf Paige is a lesbian and she got in my head about it

Girl omg but what I wanted to tell you is that I got invited to do a speech / and class sit in at your school to the choir and theater program and I would be in town all week  before I go back to California and I just landed and I was wondering if you wanted to eat

Out of all places Uconn , girl it's boring out here but I would love to eat

What you got a taste for

I would love  steak or chicken and something idk what do you like to eat

Well first I'm vegan so I don't eat steak but we can find something

You are vegan that cool but I doubt there is any vegan food at regular restaurants, so if you want  I guess we can cook something

That's cool  I'm staying at hotel you wanna come over I'll send you a Uber and then we can go to a grocery store and buy the ingredients

Ok let me get  dressed I'll text you when I'm finished ok bye Billie

Bye Billie

I looked confused at Billy when she called me her name but then I just said "bye azzi

I laughed and then hung up. I ran into Pages room and jumped on her you make me look crazy when I texted her and apologized, I hate you so much like literally fuck you. " azzi don't say fuck me cs you tried to fuck her " Paige said as she laughed . " Paige omg don't start me and Billie are just friends we don't like each other like that and don't make me show you the videos " I said to Paige  . " you know now every one has seen you and Billie's video so ya better come up with something or maybe you just need to come out " Paige said laughing really loud . She just loves to bother me I can't stand her(I love her to death) . "Paige she invited me over we are going to cook vegan food " . What are you gonna do have phone sex with that influencer girl I asked Paige ."no because she is coming over and I'm gonna ask her to be my gf ."are you sure about this i don't know if I like her for you something about her just seems off " I tell Paige. " I know last time we talked about her. It wasn't really the best conversation but me and her talked and we've talked about wanting to be more serious and being exclusive I think it's time I ask her to be my girlfriend" Paige said to me . I really don't like this girl for her but she said they talked about being more serious so I gonna support her . " well if anything goes wrong I'll come back immediately I'll be there waiting for you just call me I'll be waiting by the phone I promise you "

In between the two of you/ Billie Eilish  / Paige  Bueckers/azzi fuddWhere stories live. Discover now