Chapter 17

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Paige's pov:
I am upset KK doesn't understand what this would do to Azzi if this doesn't go well and I can't just let her come back in here and destroy her heart again
When I open the door I watch as azzi jumps up and pulls her shorts up

Azzi you can't be serious right now

Paige calm down

Calm down, are you serious right now you cried on my shoulder Telling me how horrible she made you feel and then I come back in our apartment and she fucking  you  .

"Look  me and azzi just had a misunderstanding everything is all good now I promise you "  Billie said wiping her face 

How about you stfu hot shot

Looks there is no need to be angry Paige , Azzi tells me

"I think you need to chill out  azzi said everything is fine it was a misunderstanding like you need to back off " Billie said getting up and standing in my face and I the same motion I pushed her and she nearly fell she came back and hit me with a right hook bussing my lip which caught me off guard  and we started fighting I punched her in the eye knocking her to the ground and started punching her once she hit the ground azzi and kk are trying to pull me off but Billie is  pulling my hair azzi finally prize Billy's hands off of my hair and KK finally gets me off of her  she had a black eye and a busted lip. I had a busted lip and a bruised cheek

You bitch you don't get  to go around hurting people and getting away with it I tell her

I told you it was a misunderstanding you still have no self-control 

"Paige I told you it was a misunderstanding why did you have to go and hit her what the fuck is wrong with you seriously " azzi tells me walking out with Billie

"Paige I love you but you're in the wrong it is azzi's life I understand you wanna protect her but this is her life not yours " kk says to me looking disappointed

I just hated the way I had to see her cry so badly when she got back to town it broke my heart and and I promised her I would punch that girl when I saw her and she agreed at the time I don't like her I'm not gonna pretend to

An/it's 3 o'clock in the morning I don't really feel like proofreading  but more chapters are coming tmrw

In between the two of you/ Billie Eilish  / Paige  Bueckers/azzi fuddWhere stories live. Discover now