Chapter 27

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Billie's pov :
I just woke up it's 3am and azzi is still sleeping in front of me I got up and headed out of the dorm because I really had to pee I went into the stall and started to pee and I heard a shower go off but I paid no mind to it because this is the basketball players dorm area so I know it's just one of the players . I flushed the toilet and opened the stall door and my eyes were met with Paige's back she was pulling down her bra and she already had on some pink basketball shorts and if I'm being honest she had a nice body like really nice . she turned around and caught me staring she smiled and I felt my face going red from being caught staring

"You like what you see Eilish" Paige said smirking

"You wish" I said looking at her

"What are you doing in here I came here to get away from you" Paige said looking at me with dead eyes

"Obviously I had to pee . I didn't come here for you idiot" I said looking back at her

"Look I don't wanna talk to you" Paige said walking out of the door. I started washing my hands when I felt her behind me . She grabbed me aggressively and turned me around she is taller than me so I had to look up at her

" why didn't you tell azzi we talked in LA" she asked looking down at me

"There is nothing to tell"

"Really Eilish "

"Yea really because we solved nothing we still hate each other so there is nothing to tell her "

"I never hated you "

"What "

" hate is a very very strong word "

We both paused and just looked at each other

"You're a lair "

"I hate no one but you , you I have a strong dislike for"

"Same thing" I said stepping closer to her and letting her know I'm not scared

"No it isn't its very very different " Paige said to me while putting her hand on my lower waist and pushing back to the sink closing all space between us and leaning down to say "I don't fucking like you but I could never hate anyone" . And something a that made feel hot . She grabbed the hairtie off of her wrist and put her hair in a ponytail and it still looking down at me. In this moment I realized how close her lips were to mine and without thinking, I grabbed her face and kissed her .she pulled back to look at me and I instantly felt regret . "I'm so sor- before I could finish she walked out of the dorm bathroom . What had I done? I just kissed my girlfriend best friend.

In between the two of you/ Billie Eilish  / Paige  Bueckers/azzi fuddWhere stories live. Discover now