Chapter 7

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Paige pov:
Earlier I went to the store, and I bought all of her favorites snacks and bought roses, and I bought a board to ask her to be my girlfriend. I'm super nervous but I'm pretty sure she's gonna say yeah because we just talked about being more exclusive and admitted to being the only people we were being intimate with. She gets here in about 2 hours

Time skip

I heard a knock on my door and got up really excited I opened the door and she jumped on me and kissed me and dropped her purse while still holding her I closed the door I sat her on the counter and she tugged on my shirt and I pulled it over my h...

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I heard a knock on my door and got up really excited I opened the door and she jumped on me and kissed me and dropped her purse while still holding her I closed the door I sat her on the counter and she tugged on my shirt and I pulled it over my head so breaking the kiss I began to kiss on her neck while undoing the ribbons That held her shirt together . She let out a small moan when I bit down on her neck . I slowly went down to her breast and began to suck, She let out another small moan which is making me go Feral she grabbed my hands and put them in her joggers. I ran my fingers between her folds and then took my hand out I wanted to t draw this out a bit more .I pulled down her joggers and kissed her stomach I then stopped " hey uhh I have something to ask you " I said to her out of breath. " yes " she said in the middle of kissing my neck . "Will you be my girlfriend " I pulled back to look at her . She pushed me from in front of her and put her joggers back on "look Paige I came here to break things off " she tells me . I look at her confused with my eyes starting to tear up " you can't be serious wtf miya " .

Paige I like yo- ,"then wtf is the problem we have been talking consistently for the last 4 months " I cut her off

Paige i- i just ....look the sex is great you are great but I could never take a girl serious I like boys I need you to understand i will never date a girl

"Then why the hell have you wasted my fuckin time you could have told me this from the fuckin start you asked me out texted me first...... you made all the first moves you told me you wanted this to be more serious you could have spared me all the fucking lies and let me be ........get the fuck out now

When she walked out I closed the door behind her and slid down it In tears. Why do I keep getting my heart broken I pull out my phone to call azzi and she declined it more tears rolled down my face and I sat there for hours crying so much I got a headache I finally decided to get up and go to my room and see my bed where I had prepared to give her those gifts. I threw the wooden crate, and it broke on my floor and it made me angry all over again I went searching everywhere for my phone when I finally found it I called Azzi multiple times and she didn't answer. She told me she would be here for me if I needed her she lied to me to Hang out with someone she just met

An: sorry for not updating we had a hurricane, and the power was out for two days but I'm back to updating I'm going to try to do two more chapters today.

In between the two of you/ Billie Eilish  / Paige  Bueckers/azzi fuddWhere stories live. Discover now