Chapter 23

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Paige's pov :

Billie is in italic and Paige is in bold)

Look just so you know I didn't come here to argue

I didn't invite you here to argue Paige I invited you here so we can get over this little beef that we have that you started

That I started . have you lost your mind? you came around making everything weird

What are you talking about Paige you never liked me from the moment you bumped into me In the hallway and knocked me down and you never apologized for that

That wasn't even about you , you really think I would just target you and bump into you because that's literally insane I was upset we lost the the game I didn't even know anything about you

well you never said sorry and I don't know where you get the feeling that you need to protect her from me from because it's insane I have been nothing but be great to her . I've been in love with her since the day I met her , I wouldn't hurt her I promise

I don't care what you're saying because I don't know you and this relationship has subjected her to so much internet hate and weird articles about her past she doesn't need that you bring negative attention to her

I don't mean to do that she's a basketball player she will be in media with or without me but that doesn't give you an excuse to punch me every time you feel like it

Look I'm sorry about that but you are not innocent

(This is over going back to regular font

" ask your self what did I ever do to you paige " Billie said stepping closer to me . "You change her and not for the best " I said . "You know what fuck you paige you're just used to her being there all time she is 21 years old she is allowed to have a life "Billie said pushing me . I pushed her back and she fell on the couch and I climbed on top of her and started punching her she grabbed my hair causing me to scream and she rolled over and she was now on top of me she grabbed both of my hands to stop me from hitting her . I tried to move my hand but she put all of her weight down causing my hands to go behind my head and make her fall over me her tities were now on my face she was breathing extra hard and for a second I stopped and realized she smelled amazing . "Fuck Paige i don't wanna fight " she said to me out of breath . She came down now sitting directly on my lap . she still had my hands behind my head .  I tried to move my hands and she put all her weight down again "Paige " she yelled at me . With on swift motion i pushed forward  causing her  to fall to the side but she took me down with her and I was now on top  of her with her hand pinned above her head " don't ever think you're stronger than me "  she just looked up at me and In this moment I realized I was on top of her all my body weight pressed against her and I had her hands pinned above her head and she wasn't fighting me she just laid there submissively  I looked down at her and smirked "what Paige " she asked me . "Nothing...Nothing at all " I laughed to my self
Accidentally loosening my hold her hands and I fell forward and landed on her lips I jumped up and so did she "I uh I uh I gotta go " I said running out of the house and through the gate and down the street where I called a Uber

An/hiiiii guys soooo this is the beginning of something crazy Ik this has been a slow burn and will continue to be but things are heating up I promise.......but how did yall feel about the little moment they had ??!!!! Omg the tension 🤭....i so ready for y'all to see Omgggg🤭😩‼️

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