Chapter 26

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Azzi pov :
To say I was nervous would be an understatement I'm terrified because I was officially meeting her parents they are her favorite people and not to Mention her brother is here who is her best friend I feel like this is a lot it I'm ready "baby are you ok" Billie asked me . " I'm just nervous I really want them to like me" I said and she instantly started laughing " azzi they are gonna love you because I love you " Billie said and stopped we both were in shock she said that . "azzi I love you" Billie said smiling . "I love you to " I said as I kissed her cheek I went to kiss her lips but the door opened and and we were met with more paparazzi

We were heading to the back in a private room where her mom , dad and brother were seated as we sat down the server came in to take our order and I quickly realized all of them were vegan I don't know if I wanted to slurp down chicken in front of them or if it will be disrespectful I must've been zoned out because Billie tapped me and asked was OK

"I'll get a salad with mozzarella sticks " and she looked at me strange

" actually she's going to get the lasagna " Billie said smiling at me

"Baby we don't mind if you eat meat and I know lasagna is your favorite food" Billie said to me

"So azzi what made you want to play basketball" Billie's mom asked me

"To be honest I've just enjoyed playing as a child it always brought me joy and I wanted to be Michael Jackson" I said and everyone started laughing

The dinner went great and be and Billie just got out of the shower and are now Laying in bed the bed headed to sleep

Paige's pov
We just finished morning work outs and I was walking back to the dorms with azzi

"Paige so I'm gonna let you know Billie is coming over for movie night the whole team already approved and said it's ok so you're overruled " azzi said to me

"I don't care azzi it's not like I'm gonna talk to her" I said walking away

.......................................Time skip ............................

It's 8 and everybody is coming in and every body brought snacks and yonna was making dip and azzi And Billie are on the way I don't want to admit it but I'm a little nervous because the last time I seen Billie we kissed well more of a fall down and I don't want it to be awkward or i don't know think she brought it up to azzi I mean y would she there is nothing to tell I thought to my self as they walked in Billie had her arm around azzi waist I laughed to my self thinking about how short Billie was I couldn't imagine her topping anyone how would that even work she is 5'3 on a good day and azzi is 6'0 with shoes on and plus she likes to where heels she towers over her I laughed to my self but Billie was wearing pajamas pants that were rather baggy and a tee shirt that was slightly cropped . This is very unlike anything I'd ever seen her wear before not that I follow her or anything or even care she just looks I don't know nice or something I can admit when someone looks nice it's not weird or anything even if it's Billie why am i overthinking this it's not weird I repeat

"Paige Paige earth to Paige " kk said

"Yes kk " I said laughing

" say bye to my live " kk said

I smiled looking at the live watching all the comments i truly love the fans they are so sweet "bye y'all"

It's now 10 and everyone decided on the movie
"a simple favor" no of us had ever seen it before I was getting some water while everyone found their seats on the couch. When I went to find a seat the only space left on the couch was next to Billie . This is gonna be a long night I thought to myself self

In between the two of you/ Billie Eilish  / Paige  Bueckers/azzi fuddWhere stories live. Discover now