Chapter 24

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Paige's pov :
I just unlocked the door to me and azzi's dorm and there she was sitting on the couch watching tv she ran a jumped on me "hey Paige how was LA" she questioned me making me remember that I accidentally kissed her girlfriend. " so this might be a bit awkward, but I have something to talk to you about when you settle down." She said jumping down.

I just got out of the shower and the entire I was wondering what me and Azzi's was going to talk about did Billie tell her about the kiss well It wasn't really much of a kiss it was a fall down. There's no romantic feelings involved I don't want to ruin azzi's relationship. I know she loves her very much. I can't do this I can't talk to azzi right now . But when I think about it she didn't seem upset maybe because there's nothing to say me and Billie didn't make out I just fell . I walk out of the showers and I'm heading back to my dorm and azzi seems to be there already waiting on me . "Paige what took you so long" she said . I didn't say anything I just went to the kitchen to get something to drink "it's incredible hot In here" I say looking at azzi

Paige the air conditioner is on 72

Maybe I'm just feeling the heat of the shower

So I have to ask you something about Billie and before you interrupt me I know you guys don't get along

What is it azzi

"So it's a little personal but I know you can assume me and Billie have sex and she's always the dominant one but I wanna ......well you know do stuff back to her and i don't know how and i don't wanna get it wrong so I was wondering if you ...well could give me some advice" azzi said to me . I just looked at her a little relieved because she doesn't know about the kiss , and the from the little fight we got into I don't really see Billie as a dominant person but Igs she is for azzi . It i don't know if I should be the one telling her this, this should be something they should talk about together . "Azzi as much as I wanna tell you I think this is something you guys should talk about together it's very intimate and personal thing and it's always good to know what your partner likes because everybody is different so just talk to her ok and makes sure I'm not here when this shit goes down cs I don't wanna hear it , I got enough when it was just you and Trey " I said to azzi.
"Yea you're right. when was the last time you had sex and please don't tell me it was as before you and that girl broke up " she asked . "It in fact was the last time I had sex I have been busy you know...I- I- I have things to do . I've been really focused on basketball and getting better" I said to her

An/ sorry for the short chapter but I been in testing all last week. I have one last test before I start by updates will be three times a week

In between the two of you/ Billie Eilish  / Paige  Bueckers/azzi fuddWhere stories live. Discover now